Chapter Twenty

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Davis' POV 

Pierce flew forward as soon as I hit my brakes and jerked back, hitting his head. 

"What the hell Davis?" 

"Please, never say that again..."

"But don't you like that stuff? Like, sex?"

"Well, yes but... I really like you, Pierce," I pushed on the gas, after being honked at. "I can't do that to you, knowing you'd never feel the same."

"But I really want cigarettes so if-" 

"I'll get you fucking cigarettes! Just shut the fuck up about it!" He jumped, scared. "I'm sorry... I just don't want that," I told him, calming down. "I don't wanna hurt you. I'm very sorry. I uh, need to pull over," I told him, turning the wheel and pulling to the side. Instantly tears rushed down my face. 

I could tell Pierce didn't know how to react. I heard his buckle and I heard him move. I look up to see him looking at me. 

"Davis... buddy, I'm sorry. I didn't know this upset you this much... please stop crying."

"I can't do this Pierce. I can't do it anymore." I turned my entire body to face him. "I love you. I'm in love with you. This hurts me," I sniffled and took a deep breathe, "so fucking much Pierce. And I'm so fucking envious of you. You don't get to feel this way, you never love like this, you don't understand how I feel right now," I sobbed loudly. I couldn't stop crying.

"Davis, you're a fucking idiot."

Pierce's POV 

He looked up at me, shocked, tears still streaming down his face. 

"You're an idiot, honestly. Do you really think I've never loved? I can love without being romantic. I love Liz.  I love you. I love Spencer, and Isabelle. I love my sister. I love so many people. And I've loved people who have hated me. I've loved people who haven't loved me," I took a deep breathe, calming myself. "So do not say I don't understand. That I don't feel what you feel, like I'm some kind of monster who lacks emotions." He stared at me, speechless. Perhaps I went overboard. "I'm sorry," I apologized, turning towards the window. 

"Pierce?" I turned and he was right there, leaning in, and our lips touched. I don't know if he planned this, but I quickly pulled away. I turned away from him, feeling my face getting very hot.

Without another word, he calmed himself down, and pulled back onto the road. We drove for about ten minutes without saying another word. 

"My friend," he told me. "He runs a cigarette shop. He can give you some, if you pay. If you don't have money on you now, I can pay for you. You just need to pay me back when you can."

"I have money."

"Alright, that's good. I don't know how many packs you intend to buy, but if you buy quite a few, I can hide them at my house if you-" 

"No, it's fine. It's my burden to bare. If my parents find it, or Liz, I'll deal with it. I don't care," I snapped at him, still sour about him kissing me. 

"Look, Pierce-"

"Why don't you just call me Hailey, figuring you only like me because I have a vagina anyways," I spat angrily. 

"What the fuck? Are you kidding me? I'm in love with you because of who you are as a person, not what you have in your pants. I couldn't care-"

"And I couldn't care less about how you feel about me. I never want you to kiss me ever again. I'm not into you, Davis. I'm not into anyone and you need to respect that and move on. Honestly," I started to angry and started to rant. "It was not okay for you to kiss me without my permission. I get you love me, but consent is vital, Davis." He stayed quiet. "Davis, answer me." He turned the car, still silent. "I wanna go home," I told him, crossing my arms. He parked the car and turned to me. I started to get scared. "Davis, why'd you stop the car?" He stared at me. "D-Davis?" 

He leaned forward and kissed me again.

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