February 5th, 2016

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February 5th, 2016

        "Ophelia suggested I teach her how to drive; it's sort of a frightening notion, but I can't see why I couldn't. Take her down some back road where we won't run into anyone. I've taught plenty of women how to drive cars, and Ophelia is a smart girl. Maybe once the snow is gone, I'll borrow the car again from my co-worker; since I brought it back in one piece after going to see the castle, I got into his good books. The car handled nicely, shifted easily, and I think it would be a great car for her to learn on. She seemed really happy when I told her I would teach her sometime in the spring.

          Winter is almost over, and I can feel a change coming. Whether it is good or bad, I can't tell. But I can't see anything bad happening; naïve as it is, I feel like nothing in the world could touch us anymore. We're so far off the grid, off of anyone's radar. It's been so long, if people were still looking, they would have found us, wouldn't they? I can't afford to be careless, but I can certainly relax a little bit. I imagine this summer being good for us, by July it will be two years of us living together, making lives for ourselves. Aside from Steve, Ophelia has been the only one who stuck with me this long. I had friends, but none of them were like Steve, none of them were like O. I wish I had seen them together, Steve and Ophelia; I imagine they got along well, she always seems to miss him when she reads about him in the papers. I doubt I'll ever get the chance to see them in a room together, but maybe I'll talk to her again about him. The last time I truly saw him was decades ago, she knows who he is now better than I do."

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