October 7th, 2014

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October 7th, 2014

             "There is a comfort level with O and me; it likely has something to do with the fact I can't hide a damn thing from her, but also that I don't feel the need to. Aside from the past which I am plagued with remembering, Ophelia knows everything. I simply do not wish to bestow my past on her, for I do not want her to dwell on it, or begin to see me with a distrust in her eyes. 

         I know better than that; I know that she won't leave even if she knew every single gory detail, but that doesn't mean she should have to know them.

       She's had enough of her own gory details, and so I shall spare her of knowing mine. I know that she has been in my head and seen it all, but I suspect she only caught glimpses. You can't just get inside a head like mine and see everything; ninety years of memories, only twenty-something of them aren't horrible. There is no way she saw everything, and I plan to keep it that way. Instead of giving her a look inside my past, we can together create memories."

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