Chapter 23

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 I am dedicating this Chapter to my real life friend who has been a loyal reader since I started. Thanks for reading <3! Christina Lee

Chapter 23

As If Life Couldn't Get Any Worse

Zaphira woke to the smell of vomit and filth, that the floor and her body reeked of. It had been almost a week since she had even had a shower. She knew she had vomited twice and passed out right on top of her vomit, her hair was a matted mess filled with it.

Laying there, she tried to replay the things that had happened when and after she fed. It was obvious to her now, her captor was drugging the blood that she drank. First, the body made her feel ill after she fed from it. That must mean that the body was drugged before it even died. Then, the blood bag she had consumed made her feel exactly the same way.

She wasn't quite sure what her options were at this point. The person who had her captive obviously didn't want to kill her at all. They just wanted to make sure she stayed weak and unable to use her communication with Octavian or anyone else.

If she continued to drink the blood, she would never be able to speak to Octavian. She longed to be able to hear his voice and comforting words. To be able to run her hands through his wavy brown hair. She hadn't even told him she loved him yet. Zaphira wasn't quite sure when she fell in love with him but she knew now, she was. If I don't drink the blood I will die here, that she was sure of.

Her other option was the continue consuming the blood that was given to her. At least it would buy her more time til she was found. Then maybe Octavian and Chloe would find her. Only problem was, is that she wasn't sure they would know who her captor was.

When her captor came in again she was going to ask them why they kidnapped her. Why they were doing this to her.

~~ ~~ ~~ ~~

Octavian, Dracula and Chloe waited outside the suspected person's home for them to return. They had hoped they would return shortly. That is when they seen one of the guilty day-hunters park outside the home,turned into a wolf and then started walking around the back of the house.

“That is one of the day-hunters. Let's follow him.” They all started to quietly get out of the car.” Do not make any noise and do not let them know you are behind them. We don't know if he is alone or not.” Dracula ordered as the followed the wolf quietly.

The golden wolf sniffed the air and the surroundings as he walked further on past the house into the trees. None of them knew where the wolf was going, they only hoped it was leading them towards Zaphira.

Why is he going this way?” Chloe asked inside the others mind.

We can only hope that he is leading us to my daughter. Now keep quiet and watch where you are going.”

The rest of the way they walked in silence. Maybe five minutes passed before a broken down home appeared. The home was pretty much just a frame and that was about it. No one would have been able to live in this home for years, that they were sure of. Then the wolf looked around,sniffed the air once more and howled before shifting back into his human form. He bent over and opened an old cellar door outside the house.

This has to be it!” Chloe blurted excitedly.

WOMAN! I SAID SILENCE.” Dracula growled back at her, giving her a look of warning.

They watched as the wolf entered the cellar closing the door behind him. How were they going to get down there without being heard? They sat there waiting to be sure no one else was in the area. No one else came, so they decided they had to find out if she was in there.

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