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I stood leaning against the wooden door frame with the meanest mug on my face as I watched Xora pack her things into the rented black Tahoe.

She moved about swiftly, back and forth, in and out completely ignoring my presence.
"So, you really think you're leaving me?" I laughed. "Let me guess, you're trying to take my son away from me too." I said causing her to stop in her tracks.

"Let's not even go there, because you already know that's not what I'm about. You can get your son whenever you want to. But this, us, this is dead." She told me before continuing to fill the trunk and backseats with her belongings.

"What makes you think you should be the one to keep Kai? Just because you're the mom? I could fight and get full custody if I wanted to." I informed with my lips curled into a smirk.

Slamming the back door, she walked over to me with a scowl on her face. "That's really the game you want to play? It's nothing for me to let them know that you have anger issues, are abusive and don't think about you're actions when you're upset. You think they're going to put my son in a toxic compromising environment like that? Play with me if you want to!"

"Just like a bitch to try to take the kid." I laughed. "You want to see me locked up and out of work. You want to see everything I worked for go down the drain over a domestic dispute."

"Listen, you're the one who even brought up courts and who would keep Kai, not me so miss me with that shit." She huffed before chuckling. "Why am I even arguing with you? I don't have to sit here and deal with this shit. I have a home of my own that I can go to." with a flip of her hair she shot me a warm smile. "Have a good day."

I watched her switch her hips and head toward the driver side of the car. "I'll come get the rest of my things later."

"You're not taking shit out of my house. If you don't have it already, it's mine." I yelled only to get the vroom of the engine as a reply.

I knew that even though Xora had called herself getting her own apartment and moving her things out of the house we shared, she wouldn't be gone long. She never did. I wasn't proud of the way I mistreated her in the past, but I knew she loved me in spite of it all. Knowing that, I only licked my lips and smirked a bit before heading inside.


I was trying to get as much done as I could while Kai was having a play date with Rocky and Reese. I quickly pulled into my new apartment complex not surprised that Anthony's car was already in the parking lot. Our driver side  doors opened at the same time and we walked around to give me a hug.

"Fix your face." He said as he pulled away. "What's wrong with you?"

"Same shit, different day." I mumbled before popping the trunk.

Anthony was there to help me load all of this stuff into what would be my new home.

As he grabbed one of the heavier boxes and followed me through the glass doors and toward the elevator, I could hear his voice getting closer as he spoke. "I don't even see why you even went through all of the trouble to get a whole new place when you could've stayed at your friends. It's not like you really plan on leaving this nigga."

I stopped in my tracks, forcing him to bump into my back. I knew he was joking, but his words pissed me off.

"What the fu-" He began as he sat the box down on the carpeted floor, but stopped  once looking at my face. "What's your problem?"

"You don't think before you fucking speak." I huffed, violently pressing the button on the elevator and watching as the small dot in the middle turned bright red.

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