Stolen Photo (Hongbin)

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You are a freelance photographer who decided to take a break from work. It's time for your much needed break so you entered your house and looked around.

Your house is filled with pictures you took since you started photography. Until it zeroed in on a big picture you hung in your living room. It was a stolen picture of a very handsome guy you saw in the park taking a picture of kids.

You were just walking down the road that day until you saw him happily taking pictures of the kids, and you decided to snap a picture of him too. That day you fell in love with the guy taking the pictures. And he became your inspiration since that day, until you saw his picture trending in social medias. He is Lee Hongbin, a member of the famous boy group, Vixx. You smiled at the picture of the guy you're in love with.

"I'm lucky I was able to take your picture before you were even famous. If I ask to take it now, maybe I'll pay because of your copyright royalties."

You giggled at your silliness until you heard faint drip drops on your roof. It's raining! You love the rain because it has been there for you since you lost your parents. Yes, you are an orphan, who worked her way to the top that's why you have a happy and very stable life. You stepped out on your front porch and sat on the lounge chair you set outside to watch the rain. You were busy watching the rain when someone banged at your gate, loudly.


You took the umbrella beside your door and walked to your gate, what you saw after you opened it shocked you.

"O_o HONGBIN!? LEE HONGBIN OF VIXX?! What are you doing here soaking wet!?"

"I'll explain later, just please, let me in."

Dumbfounded, you let him in, when you closed the gate that's when you heard the thundering footsteps and the loud repetitive questions asking where Hongbin is. You looked at him,


"You know what Binnie? Just explain later, you look like you're freezing, come on in, let me get you a hot chocolate."

You both walked inside your house, when you reached your living room he won't follow you through the carpeted floor.

"Hey! Come on! What are you still doing there? You have to get to the bathroom before you actually freeze to death!"

"B-but I'll wet your carpet!"

You rolled your eyes, the TV never shows how stubborn he is.

"So what do you want huh, Lee Hongbin?"

"I'll clean the mess I've made."

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