With Vixx Part 5

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Hongbin took you to the lounge room of the entertainment.

"Haha! Look at them, they aren't here yet."-Hongbin

"You are such a kid Oppa, you know."

He smiled and you both sat on the sofa and you asked him to help improve your Korean. You were lucky you are smart, you learn easily and when you mean easily as in easy and fast. Some even believe you have photographic memory because of how fast you memorize things. Besides you know Korean from loving Kpop and Kdramas so much, so you easily learned how to speak. You were both practicing your speaking when Ravi, Leo, Ken, N, Hyuk and Jay appeared.

"You're such a kid Hongbin!"-N

Then N grabbed Hongbin's neck while he is laughing.

"Hey Hakyeon-oppa, stop, stop! It's okay at least I learned how to speak Korean already."

"Really ____-ah? So I don't have to translate for you?"-Jay

"I think so."

"How did you learn that fast ____-ah?"-Hyuk

"Uhmm, I'm a fast learner?"

You smiled sheepishly. Then you stood up.

"Can we please go to your dorm already? I still have jet lag and I'm really tired already."

"Okay come on, I ordered chicken."-Jay

You all walked out of the building because according to VIXX their dorm is just on the other building. When Jay unlocked the door what you saw shocked you. Vixx and Jay all rushed inside then started picking up the things littered on the floor.

"Sorry ____-ah! We haven't clean our dorm yet, we have an early schedule this morning and we left it like this. Sorry. We just returned right now. Sorry."-N

"No, it's okay N-oppa, I understand. Come on let's clean up."

You entered the house then started helping them clean. Leo proceeded to the kitchen to cook, maybe. You were finishing up when the doorbell rang which means the delivery is here. Hyuk rushed for the door and took the chicken. He set up your dining table then asked you all to come. You sat on the seat Leo offered you.

Well more like he pulled the chair then looked at you with his innocent eyes which you can't say no to, so you sat beside him then N sat on your other side. Ken sat in front of you, Hongbin on his left then Ravi on his right, and Jay and Hyuk sat on both heads of the table.

"Let's eat!"-you

You haven't even touched the utensils but your plate is filled with food already and you noticed Leo still adding more to the pile of food he added on your plate.

"Ah Leo-oppa. That's okay already. That's too much already."-you

"No ____-ah, you have to eat."-Leo

So instead of refusing him you just allowed him because he is just too adorable you can't refuse. When he was done adding food to your now full plate you started eating. You glance at each of them, when they're like this, you will never even think that they are stars. They're just handsome guys eating in front of you and that felt great. When you became their fan you think they should be unreal because they are too handsome and too talented for their own good. But here you are, experiencing first hand that they are real and they have flaws. And as much as we think they are perfect, they are also just human beings who just worked hard to achieve where they are now.

"_____-ah, am I that handsome that you keep on looking at me?"-Ken

"Hey Jaehwan-oppa! I'm looking at everyone~ don't be so conceited."

The others laughed and Ken pouted, while Leo added one more chicken on your plate.

"Oppa! Stop adding food again, I'll be so full my stomach will burst-----mhmmhhmm."

"Just keep quiet and eat."-Leo

His spoon in my mouth.




Di-di-did he just spoon feed me!? And with his spoon!? You felt your whole face heat up! Le-le-leo of VIXX shared an indirect kiss, no, it wasn't just a kiss! It was an INDIRECT TORRID KISS! You mentally face palmed yourself for being so byuntae. But then you screamed inwardly, HOW CAN I ACT NORMAL WHEN THEY ARE LIKE THIS! TELL ME! JEBAL! HELP MEEEEE!!!

To be continued....

{A/N: Didn't I say I'll update tomorrow? Well since it's technically 12:43am, it's June 6 already, so yeah~... Maybe I'll update later again. Sorry if it's short, I just want to think of VIXX before I go to sleep. 사랑해! <3}

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