Dedicated To You (Ken)

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OMO! ^O^ We reached 1000 reads! This is awesome! Thank you so much for all the readers! Especially to those who take their precious time to click that star button, to comment and to talk to me! Sorry for making you wait long. I hope you're still willing to read this imagines. Kamsahamnida!~

As promised, here is Ken's Imagine, entitled Dedicated To You!

You are walking home from your part time job on a karaoke bar when you spotted a television screen flashing a preview of a variety show, then you saw him.

Ken right now, but Lee Jaehwan when you first met him. He was that dorky nerdy looking guy next door who can be heard singing from his house to your room and you always know that he would be a great singer someday, but you don't tell him because he'll tease you all the more, but you are right, are you not? Because right now, he is one of the most sought after singers in the industry, as a vocalist of VIXX, who wouldn't follow him? He is so far from his nerdy looking self three years ago, but his dorkiness never faded away.

You sighed then stuff your hands on your pockets. You miss the dorky guy next door. And you thought that this will be a really cold night.


You checked in for your part time job when the manager called you.

"_____-ah, we have a huge order in Room 143, and it was requested that you serve the people in that room."

"Me!? Why me of all the people manager-nim? What if I screw this, you can fire me! You know I'm just starting out in this job~"

"Hey ____-ah! Relax I won't fire you if you get this wrong, just trust me, the customer personally requested for you, so trust me, I'm just doing you a favor."

"Huh? A favor? Really manager? Am I not the one doing you a favor because I'm the one making money for you?"

"Yah! This kid! Just go serve the food to that room! And say yes every time he asks you of something! Don't refuse, that's an order!"


But the manager did not hear your protests because he pushed you out the door then closed the door immediately on your face. You glared at the door, did the manager just sold you to the customer on Room 143? Your eyes widened, OMO! What if he did!?

Dreading your walk towards Room 143, you keep a straight face while balancing trays on your hands. The customer may be big time, because you are carrying so much food and the customer may have bought you, because the manager just implied it awhile ago.

You held the door knob then breathed hard, if the customer do something weird on you, you know you have a pepper spray in your pocket. He'll suffer. Then you slowly opened the door.

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