I'm Never Too Perfect (N)

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You were walking towards Vixx's practice room to visit your boyfriend of a year, N for all the people who doesn't know him personally, and he is Cha Hakyeon for you. Your Cha Hakyeon.

You slowly entered the practice room and you saw the guys practicing hard again. You look at your watch, it's 1:30 pm already, and by the looks of it, you know that they haven't eaten their lunches yet. So you took your time to prepare their lunches. The boys like your cooking anyway.

You stood at the back and watched them dancing. When the song finished, Hyuk looked closely at the mirror and when he noticed your reflection, he immediately looked at your direction.

"_____-noona!" - Hyuk

You smiled at Hyuk when he ran straight at you.

"Hi Hyukkie! Look at you! You've grown even more taller!"

You saw the boys walking to you. Leo nodded at you like he always does so you gave him a smile.

"Hi noona!" - Hongbin

"Binnie? Wow! You're more handsome than you were before! And is that you Ravi!? Omo! You're so much more manly now!"

You tiptoed and reached up to pat their heads. You smiled wide.

"Noona! It's only three months since we saw each other! It doesn't look like we changed during that time." - Ravi

You saw Ken wallowing in the corner. This guy!

"Ken, how are you? You look better! :D "

He faced you then smiled wide.

"I thought you've forgotten about me noona! Now, where's the food?"

"You always know what to look for. Haha!"

You rummaged through the bag you are carrying and took each lunchbox you made for them and gave them each. When you were down to the last lunchbox and the most special lunchbox, you looked up at the guys flocking at you, but your smile faded when instead of N smiling at you waiting for his lunchbox, you saw him sitting far away from the group typing away on his cellphone.

When the guys saw where you were looking at Leo faced you.

"____-ah, we'll be upstairs." - Leo

"Why Leo-hyung! We're going to talk to ____-noona~ we missed her!" - Ken

Leo just gave Ken a glare, so the boys immediately walked out the room. You were thankful for that, with the way N's acting, you obviously need to talk.

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