We Will Be The Father [VIXX]

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{I swear this is the weirdest imagine I have ever written. xD I was writing everything pouring out of my mind. I hope you still like it! Thank you for everyone reading, voting, commenting and adding this story to your reading lists! THANK YOU! LOVELOTS! :*}


You were hurrying towards the concert venue because you got lost finding it. You were new to the place and locating the venue was hard, but thanks to GPS it was at least, easier, a bit.

When you reached the venue you immediately ran to a door that is obviously the entrance to the dome. You became more panicked because you did not see any security outside, maybe even the security were pretty much enjoying the concert, while there you are running for your life because you are an hour late.

After entering you immediately ran where the corridors take you and you are holding on to your ticket for dear life, when you see another door you immediately breathed a sigh of relief because at least you are going to experience the concert now. Being so excited you opened the door with a bang because you know it won't be heard because of the sound system of the concert. Your eyes were closed enjoying the moment of reaching the venue when you suddenly realized that instead of shouts, you heard ringing silence. So you slowly opened your eyes, and saw six pairs of head looking at you and several people holding cameras. So your eyes widened and you immediately closed your eyes again and covered it with your hands.

"Inhale, exhale. ______-ah, this is just a dream. You are dreaming, you are not in the concert venue right now, you are still in the bus sleeping. Okay? Inhale, exhale."

So you slowly peeked through the spaces of your hands.

Then your mouth dropped.

"I'm not dreaming."

And you felt your face burned because you saw how Vixx members were amused looking at you. So you stiffly stepped back and looked up to the sign on the door.


You slapped your head and turned around to look at the sign on the door you entered in.


Your face crunched, and you slowly looked at the clock on your phone. Your shoulders slumped after seeing it. You are not late; in fact, you aren't even close to being late. The time on your clock says 7 o'clock and the concert will start at 7, but because of your excitement the night before you set the time of the clock one hour earlier so you wouldn't be late. So, apparently it's only 6:00 in the evening.

You stepped back onto the stage again and stiffly smiled and waved at them.

"Uh-uhm. I swear, I deeply promise and swear to God that this was an accident. I didn't mean it to happen. This is my ticket for the concert later and I'm not a sasaeng. I'm sorry."

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