Go Out With Me (Ravi)

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So I said I'll update two weeks from now, but because I woke up to comments and votes from you, I think that I should return the favor. Thank you for your good responses! It gives me inspiration! I hope you like this!

Thank you for tuning in!

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You entered the salon where you are going to work starting now. You were really happy you got hired, it was hard finding work in Seoul because you are a foreigner, luckily they hired you because of your skills in styling people's hairs.

You entered and the manager briefed you in everything that you have to do. Since you are new you are not assigned to big clients as of now. You just have to observe and take on basic requests from clients.

As stylists were working on the clients that come to the salon, you were task to assist and sometimes be the one to wash the hair of the clients. You were busily cleaning the counters when the manager suddenly called you.


"Yes manager-nim?"

"Come here."

So you walked towards her.

"What is it?"

"Hana just called me."

Hana is the head stylist of the parlor and she was the one to discover your talent and you grew close even before you started your job that's why she gave you tips in handling big clients.

"For what manager?"

"Well, apparently a big client is coming today and Hana is in charge of it, but since she has another schedule set she cannot handle that client. So she recommended you."


"Yes. I know this is all so sudden and I'm nervous for you too, but Hana is not the head stylist of this salon for nothing, that's why I'll accept her recommendation."

"*sighs* I guess I cannot say no now manager. But can I please call Hana-eonnie?"

"Of course, go on."

I walked towards the locker room then took out my phone then dialled Hana-eonnie's number.

"Eonnie! Why did you do that!?"

"Huh ____-ah, what did I do?"

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