The Girl In The Mirror

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The Girl In The Mirror 

Mirror mirror what do I see?

An ugly reflection staring back at me.

Mirror mirror tell me why,

The girl in the mirror looks like she's going to cry?

Mirror mirror what made her like this?

The fresh cuts on her thighs are hard to miss.

Mirror mirror what's going through her mind?

The suicidal note in her hands I can surely find.

Mirror mirror why is her body so thin like that?

Was it because people kept telling her she was fat?

Mirror mirror where is her support?

Does she have none, is that why she's in distraught?

Mirror mirror what's she going to do with that knife?

Cutting her arms,

Is it to end her own life?

Mirror mirror please tell me this is all a lie,

Tell me the girl in the mirror is not going to die.

Mirror mirror she's wiping her tears,

It is what she's seeing she fears.

Mirror mirror why is this girl I see,

Just a broken reflection of me?



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