A Mothers Love

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  • Dedicated to To all lovely mothers out there

Dedicated to all beautiful mothers out there.

I love you mum, with all my heart, thankyou for raising  me up to the girl I am now.  


A Mothers Love

You never understand, you'll never seem to know, 

The heart of a mother, and the love that she shows,

At a very special moment of when she knew,

That her womb was now carrying you.

Her lips formed a smile,  each time saw,

That you were growing more and more.

It was hard, difficult in fact,

But the support she earned was never lacked.

Days, weeks and months in the waiting, 

She still pushed on, never debating.

Days of craves and nights of cramps,

You were officially, her little champ.

She endured through it though, staying positve and strong,

Not giving up, though the days of pain were long.

Nine months were up, and you were due,

She was nervous, and her family were too.

Being as brave as she was,

She took up the fight,

She wasn't giving up, even if it took all night.

A mothers love is definitely irreplaceble,

To her you were very embraceable.

Nine-months and you were already here,

The sight of you made her tear.

She whispered a little something, 

Something very small,

That you wouldn't remember now that you are grown and tall,

"Welcome to the world my sweet little dear", was what she said,

Before resting in the hospital's bed. 

Would anyone else, but a mother do this?

No indeed not, so think before you diss.

A mother's love,

That most people miss.


Love your mum :)

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