Turn Off Your Judgmental Heart

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Turn Off Your Judgmental Heart

You see that boy who's bullied often?

Punched and bruised, blood dripping from him?

Of course you know, you see eachday,

How he is attacked in such gory way.

"Just walk away" Is what you do,

"it's not my problem anyway".

What about that girl in your class,

Who has trouble in trying to pass?

Subjects and work are too hard for her,

"Maybe she's just getting a little dumber?"

We all know about the happiest girl in the school,

Guess what? She's only fooling you.

Her smiles and laughs are all just fake,

If her real self came out, her whole reputation would be at stake.

Sitting next to you, is the boy who keeps his head low,

Not daring to make his tears into a public show.

Just in the front, where the teacher stands,

Sits the intelligent girl, who never fails to score grades of grands.

"What a know-it-all, she only wants to show off!"

Do you know that her family is extremely tough?

Spin around to your left,

Do you spot that beanie head who's accused of theft?

Notice how he's sitting all alone?

"Well no one wants him to steal from their home."

How do you know what his intentions were?

His mother passed away, oh if only he had been there for her.

Turn around and you'll see another,

Broken hearted someone, trying to recover.

Covered arms, hidden faces, closed up hearts,

Everyone has their story, all with different parts.

Before you judge, look around,

It's scarred people you have found.

So close that judgmental mouth, not making a squeak,

If it's judgmental comments you can only speak.




There you have it! Second poem today! I'm soo proud of myself.....

There are so many people out there, we don't know all 7 billion stories, so why judge? Exactly. 

  I'm dedicating this poem to @XxKlutz ! why? For being a very cool dude! I've been chatting to her for the last few weeks and she's awesome! I say you chat to her now, she has words of wisdom! Thanks Faleha!  <3

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