Three Words

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Three Words

I'm not Einstein when it comes to love,

It's confusing, romantic, all the above.

You can't blame myself for being the cluless me,

Love didn't come with a dictionary.

It's often we see couples confessing their love to one another,

But who knows if they're really each one's lover?

Love is lovely and can be the most traumatic,

To know when that special someoe doesn't feel that same love static.

There's that giddy feeling of when you touch,

The person you love so very much.

I may not be an expert on how to love,

But I know this,

And I know this very well,

Three words that I must tell.

Three words and eight letters, 

They are powerful enough to change, 

The way we think about someone, love is definitely strange.

Words coming out the mouth, orginated from the heart,

Let my confession now start.

I love you, and that's what's true,

Now you know how I deeply feel,

Do you love me too? 



Thankyou @TygerBee for the starry cover on this side! You've done a FAB job! :D If you're interested in a cover maker @TygerBee has opened up a thread for making covers, you'll find the link in the 'external link' xD

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