The Monster From Within

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 The Monster From Within

Don't stare at me like that,

A cringe plastering your features,

Just like you've seen a rat.

But It's true I lied, 

I did warn you. Oh, trust me I tried.

Did you listen or did you see?

The many times I shouted for you to stay away from me?

You didn't, you continued to stay,

And stood by my side every single day.

Didn't you know that you'd get hurt?

Someone like me should be stepped on like dirt.

I put up walls and barriers for your own safety,

Little did I know that you were trying to break it down hastily.

I didn't need it nor your pity,

You should've continued with your life,

Didn't have to worry about me, not even a little bitty.

Instead, what did you do? 

You came back once more,

See what I did to you? It was your innocent heart I tore.

 Now you're here, with tear struck eyes,

Blaming me when you were advised. 

Let this be a lesson to you,

It's I who should never be appraoched to.

This is me believe it or not,

I'll tell you once more in case you forgot.

And my heart you're not going to win,

Stay away,

Before I let out the monster from within.



This one took a lot! I feel like my poetry is getting better and better! CX

I'm not sure if the message of this poem is clear or not, but what I'm trying to say in the poem is: There are people out there who have been in the worst situations in life, it has scarred them so much, that it leaves a deep dent in their heart. These people are scarred, and anyone who tries to get over their wall to help them, will often get hurt, there are just some people who don't want to be helped.

I've been in both situations before. That's why I wanted to write this :)

And of course a dedication! Dedicated to @veronica0098  ! Thankyou for the eye-popping cover! Look at the pretty stars! SO BEAUTIFUL!  Link to the thread for her cover can be found in the 'external link'

My Stars - Poem Collection(Completed)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant