|| Chapter 1 ||

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This Chapter is like an Prologue (Chapter 2 is where it all starts)

I gathered the blue tack from my desk and stuck twinkly lights to my wall. I am not one of them Tumblr or Pinterest people really, I just really like twinkly lights. I took a step back from my master piece to see how I did. It slumped to one side and hit my cold wooden floor.

Why does the Pinterest life have to be so hard?

"Ugh! I've done this a thousand times! Stick on my wall!" I screamed at my lights as though they where human. They were still on, surprisingly, the white color still sparkling away to itself

"Leora! Time to go! You'll be late!" A low voice called from downstairs. My dad. I ran down stairs as quick as I could though I cannot walk down stairs the right way. Don't ask questions. I know it's weird. I slip on the last step but manage to land the right way up. I don't know how a human could possibly not walk down the stairs, it's like the most simplest task!

"Get in the car ,Leora," my dad called from outside the door. I reached for the door handle and grabbed my bag. I slammed the door behind me causing me jump to the side a bit. The cool air hit me, along with the fresh outdoors smell.
"Your always so slow," he turned to look at me as I plopped I down in my seat. I buckled the seat-belt in to the correct place and turned to look at him.

"Oh, must of been my 'nearly falling down the stairs' bit taking to long."


I open my locker and exchanged books. I needed a new design on my locker. It's too dull inside. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I sharply turn round with my hands in the air ready to punch who ever it is. Ivy. She always sneaks up on me. Even when I am reading a book. Like, can't you see I have business going on. Ivy has always been my best friend till the end since I started here at high school. She has always been the prettier one too, all the boys chasing her. I did have a friend in primary school, but he moved away for his parents work.
"Leora! Guess.. What!" She did a awkward dance half way through.

"What, you asked the cafeteria if they are doing milkshakes today," she nodded like a psycho ", and they are." I said in my best way of not caring. She nodded again and grinned like the Cheshire Cat and walked off. I secretly do like them, I just never tell her.
My eyes travelled to a couple in the halls as I carefully shut my locker door, trying not to slam it too hard so my precious books fall over.

Am I really that bad so no one can like me?


"Sit down, Sit down. I know your all excited to learn Geography with me!" Mr Frenmus said trying to be funny. Once he gave me a warning because I smiled as I came into class. Bonkers. Just like him. Me and him had never gotten along, always trying to give me a detention for strange reasons.

1.) Handing someone a pencil and the excuse was 'because you may be handing over germs'
Do you think I don't wash?!

2.) For asking a question about where Normandy was and the excuse was 'We aren't learning about Brazil, Leora, About France. You need to revise!'
Your the one who needs to revise, mate!

Half way through the lesson , it came to a halt. The fire bell. Ivy did her happy dance from across the messy classroom. Mr Frenmus never wanted to tidy his classroom, he said that the fairies can clean it instead.

We all knew it was a practice run because all the new people will have to learn what to do. But if there ever was a fire we would be doomed. It took Mr Frenmus 10 minutes to tell us where to go, when the rest of the school was already outside waiting for us.

I walked home alone. As usual. But all that happened was that I nearly got ran over cause I was too busy thinking about a parallel universe. Its just so intresting ,like, what are the other us' doing? Ivy keeps telling me not to day dream but I think it's fun, but I my case it can be dangerous.
I fell asleep with my tv blurring away to itself. I normally did this, thinking what if I was different...

Then would someone like me?


Thanks for reading if you made it this far! I know it was boring but it was my first paragraph but it gets good. (I hope). It took me ages to get the courage to write this and to think you'll like it. I hope it's
different from the others you read. BYE!

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