Alcohol, feelings, and Bad decisions.

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Jack's POV:
I pulled my Overwatch shirt over my small head and knotted my glasses through my fluffy green hair, ready for whatever this party is. I knew one thing though, I wasn't going to drink. Despite being Irish, I struggled to keep up in terms of alcohol. I don't know why, or how, but alcohol doesn't mix well with me.

I can have a beer or two, but any more than that and it doesn't end well. And I had a feeling that at a high school party, you tended to drink a lot more than 2 beers.

I met Mark at around 10 outside his house and he looked so fucking good. We were going to a high school party, a party he would probably come home from making bad decisions and spraying drunken feelings everywhere, yet he still managed to make his hair look as if he were going to a high profile wedding, and his flannel swung perfectly over his shoulders. He was... Incredible.

"You ready to go?" His husky voice announced, tucking his phone into his Jean pocket. I watched in awe and listened as my ears danced to the perfect sound that was his voice, while walking towards Ryan's house.

After walking for what felt like forever, we finally arrived. The place was packed full. People were swinging off of banisters, diving into a people-filled pool, dancing to what sounded like the chainsmokers, and all sorts of other stuff. It was out of control, and super dangerous, but oddly wildly exciting. I felt this sudden rush to go dance and scream, but Mark wasn't following me. He was just staring at the house. Not happily. Sadly.

"Mark? What's up with you lately? You feel like a whole different person."

"I feel like? So you've felt me?"

"You know what I mean, asshat." I smacked his shoulder giggling and felt happy as he finally smiled back at my silly little remark. (ReMARK haha okay I Gotta Zayn.)

I grabbed his hand and I could see him flush as I did so, looking at me like he was looking at the stars. I blushed and shook it off, dragging him into the large sized house. Kids were piled of the stairs, taking turns to ride down on a mattress that they must've stolen from one of the bedrooms upstairs. I couldn't help but think about how much Trouble Ryan would get in if his parents saw this.

Mark handed me a small red cup, filled to the top with whatever alcoholic beverage it was. I shook my head and pushed it back into his hand.

"I don't like alcohol." I tried to shout over the music which felt like it was tearing holes through my eardrums. But it was oddly satisfying nonetheless.

"Oh come on! You Gotta live once in a while!" I tried shaking it off again but Mark just pushed it off, downing his cup and looking at me, waiting. I felt pressure, but it didn't upset me. It was Mark after all.

And that was all I remembered. After that, my vision went blurry, and my words went slurred, and my thoughts didn't work. I was completely unaware of the things I was saying and I had absolutely no control. It was a sudden rush of feeling alive, and I liked it. But I sure as hell didn't like waking up.

Mark's POV:
I downed my cup and looked at Jack in anticipation. Luckily, the alcohol was starting to kick in, and the guilt resenting in the back of my mind, was slowly being put away for later inspection.

"Fuck it." Jack downed the cup and a look of excitement filled his eyes. The rest of the night was fucking incredible. Drinks were being poured down his throat and we were dancing up on tables. I say his throat, because I actually can't drink a lot of alcohol. And not just because I had to figure out what kind of drunk he was, but because my body couldn't actually break it down, or something like that.

It all became a blur in the end anyway, because really, it was literally just another high school party. They're all the same. They're all fun, and then not so fun when you wake up the next morning. Which of course was fine for me.

I told Jack he could crash at my place, I didn't want his parents seeing him in such a messy state.

"You can sleep in my bed if you want?" I said dropping him onto my couch, untying his drunken arms from around my neck.

"Ooh Markimoo don't you wanna take me on a date first?" He snorted and for some reason I found that fucking adorable. Did I.. Like him?

"Shut up. I meant to sleep. I'd take the couch." He frowned and flopped back into the cushions.

"But I wanted to sleep with you.." He mumbled. I knew he was only joking, but what if he wasn't. What if he actually did want to. No don't be stupid. He isn't gay and neither are yo so snap out of it.

I picked him up again after hearing him snore slightly and carried him over to my bed. I gently placed him onto the mattress and heard him sink into the bed as I went to walk out of the room. I had just about gotten to the door when I heard a muffled voice.

"Mark?" I turned and looked at him, smiling at his baby-like attitude. That was the kind of drunk he was. A little toddler.

"Can you stay with me."

"What do you mean?"

"Can we... Cuddle?" His eyes were still shut, and I don't think he knew what he was saying. It still took me by surprise though, and for some reason I had this incredibly strong urge to go and pick him up in my arms and cuddle him until I fell asleep. But I knew he was only saying this because he was drunk.

I guess I did like him.


I shook my head slightly and laughed it off before turning my back again.

"Night Jack."

"Mark!" I turned back around and this time he was sat up, looking up at me with his puppy dog eyes. "Please..." I sighed and gave in. Obviously I couldn't be there when he woke up. He would freak out because everything he's saying right now, he doesn't actually mean. He's just drunk. But despite knowing that, I still really wanted to be with him. To hug him. To have him feel safe in my arms. Maybe it wouldn't hurt for me to lay with him for a little while, and then leave after he falls asleep.

I waltz over to the bed and slowly crawl next to him. He lays down, not taking a single second to look away from me whilst I wrap my arms around him and bury my face into the back of his shoulder. He's so soft, like a pillow.

And before I knew it. I made a really bad decision.

I fell asleep.

Oml they're gonna wake up together aaahhh is it bad that I'm fangirling over my own story? Oh well don't judge me.

Q - do you think Jack actually meant what he was saying?

And how fucking cute is drunk Jack like I can't I'm so done.

Anyway thanks guys. TIL next time.

Love you guys :)


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