After Class

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Marks POV:
I spent the whole hour thinking about this boy. And the more I thought about it, the more I wanted to talk to him. I dont know how or why, but I did. Only problem, was I was completely oblivious at to how I could.
Suddenly, a sharp bell filled the corridor with sound and everyone gathered their things.
"Okay guys! Remember about that essay due next week!" Mr Finch could try and talk all he wanted, no one was listening. Everyone was on a mission to get out of there.
Except him.
Nervously, I waited for him to stand up, or move, or do something, but instead he just sat there in his own little world. As if he had forgotten where he was. He almost looked completely at peace.
Maybe I could talk to him now.
Slowly I took a stand and made my way to the desk sitting in front of the somewhat fragile boy and looked at him. He didnt move, he didnt look, he just sat there and remained silent.
"Hey, Sean is it?" I finally spoke up after a long pause, which was starting to get a little awkward.
"Its Jack." He said violently. All of a sudden he jolted his head towards me and every last sign of peace was gone as he began spewing words at me. "My name is Jack, got that?" He stood up and shot a look of pure hatred towards me, then walked with his head down out of the classroom.
Jack? But the principal said his name was Sean. I wonder...
"Mark?" Mr Finch was sat at his desk, watching me as I sat there in pure disbelief. "Mark the bell has gone." I nodded slowly, my eyes still as wide as plates, and walked out of the room, pulling my bag over my left shoulder.

Jack's POV:
"Kill yourself"
"Worthless piece of shit"
"Shut up Lucky Charms"
"Go back to where you came from"
"I mean what sort of accent is that?"
"Speak proper English."

They were all the same. They hated me and they wanted to tear the ground from under me and watch as I struggled to stand on air. But I never knew why, or what I did that made them hate me so much. But all I knew was I hated myself. I must've done something to get treated this way, and what was worse is I must of done it and still not realized what I had done! What a shitty person I must be... Maybe if I just disappeared...

Mark's POV:
"I dont know.. Whatever happened, he doesn't seem very fond of me." I explained, Wade listened intensely as the tables were turned. It felt weird me giving the gossip. I've never done that before. I was never the subject of the gossip either, I was very low on the school radar, and I liked it. That meant no high school drama. "He had an accent too."
"Woah? Really? So he's not from here?" Wade almost jumped out of his seat. Not only did we have a newcomer here at City Side, we had an outsider. Fresh blood.
"Yeah.. I didn't really pick up on it... It was like some sort of European accent."
"No it was more like Welsh, no... Irish." I shook my finger as I tried to figure it out. Wade started throwing his head from side to side, in complete disagreement.
"No it couldn't of been Irish. We don't have any Irish living here so there was no way he could of found us."
"Im telling you, this kid is Irish."
"He has a name you know. Sean."
"No.. His name is Jack." Wade scooted closer to me and opened his mouth to talk, but before he could, I stopped him. "He told me his name is Jack."
"You mean he lied about his name to the school?"
"Or to me, yea." I picked up my sandwich and took a large mouthful. "Either way it seemed pretty convicing that he wanted to be called Jack." I barely made out, the sandwich was completely muffling my words.
"Hmm. Odd." Wade responded. Despite my rude sandwich, Wade always understood what I was talking about. "So where is he now? Point him out to me." I looked around the lunch hall, tearing through the book nerds, the musicians, the jocks (ugh), everyone. But he was nowhere. I couldn't see him anywhere. I shrugged my shoulders in confusion and looked back at my taller best friend.
"I can't see him. Must of eaten already." I silenced the voice inside my head that was urging me to go and find him to check he's okay and carried on with my sandwich I had almost finished.
"Wow. That boy works fast." Wade said. I chuckled slightly and shoved the whole rest of the sandwich in my mouth.
"Sure does."

Okay so a heads up for the future, I will probably be really crappy at updating this, so please urge me to in the comments. I am forever reading comments on all my social media platforms so this will 100% be the same, so I would appreciate reminders to update if I leave it for over 2 days.
Love you guys :)

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