Project Partners

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Mark's POV:

I had the perfect way to get Jack to talk to me, and that was by pairing up with him in this months school project. The teacher had already assigned us our partners but I knew some people who could get me straight onto the system and change that.

Matt and Ryan.

I knew Matt and Ryan since I was a lot younger than I am now. We're talking when I was 6 or 7. I remember meeting Ryan when some kid pushed me over during recess and he jumped in front of me and flipped him off. Sure, he got in a lot of trouble, but I still think it's the funniest thing that happened to this day. Matt just sorta came along with Ryan. They were like a duo set in heaven.

"Yo Matt, Mark wants us to get into Avery's system. Change the partners around." Ryan said shouting to Matt across the room. We were lucky no one else was in the room otherwise we would of gotten in serious trouble for that last remark. Them especially. Matt looked up from his computer and raced over to start asking his questions, like he always does.

"So you want us to get into Avery's system?"


"You want us to change your partner. Why?"

"Because Jac-"

"Do you have a particular partner you want?"

"Matt! Let him speak!" Ryan said, pulling Matt down into his chair. Matt spun around to his computer and loaded up some kind of software. I don't know what it was, I wasn't a good hacker.

"Thanks... Miss Avery assigned us partners for this 'Of Mice and Men' project, but I gotta be with Jack."Matt nodded his head, scrolling through a list of people. I saw my name and watched as he deleted it, and swapped me with Ben who was Jack's partner (whoever thought that was a good idea after yesterday is completely out of their minds).

"Got a reason?" Ryan asked, leaning back in his chair.

"Yea but it's not important. Thanks guys!" I waved at them before jumping out of the door back into the busy school corridors. Now I just had to wait for English.

Jack's POV:

Next class was English and all I wanted to do was turn home and never come back. Everything hurt from yesterday and I looked like someone had stuffed me into a barney suit, I had so many bruises. It was humiliating. I've been fine all day but I just knew English would be the worst because, of course, the two people who knew exactly what happened were going to be in there with me, mocking my every wince, hiss and cry.

I walked through the open door and headed straight for me seat, I tried to keep my head lower than I ever had, hoping I could just be invisible. Why oh why wasn't I invisible?

"Hey Sean. What happened to your face?" Two sniggering idiots were sat on my desk, ready to see the mess they had created. Me.

"Nothing much." As much as I wanted to smash them to pieces right there and then, they had me wrapped around their fingers. They knew, and one wrong move would mean the whole school would too. Which meant the teachers would, which means-

Stop it Jack. Stop thinking about that. You'll only make it worse.

"Do you mind getting off of my desk?" Their laughter stopped and they pressed firmly on my chest, backing me away slightly.

"Why? What are you gonna do if we don't?" Josh grabbed my arm and wrapped his hand around my wrist. Ben watched and nodded as if he completely agreed with what Josh was doing. Assholes.

I'm gonna beat you asswipes to this very floor. I thought. "Nothing..."

"Good boy." They started laughing at my weakness once again. It felt horrible, knowing they had me under control. But I couldn't change it. I couldn't risk that.

Eventually, after their fit of laughter, they went to sit at their desks, and left me to sit in mine. I put my headphones into my ears and drifted off to my own world. Which was, like everything else I do in this bloody school, rudely interrupted.

"Sean, headphones please." I sighed and pulled them out, turning my face to see her. I looked at her to make it clear I wasn't happy but she just rolled her eyes and continued speaking.

"As you know, you have a project due next month. But you still don't know who you're paired with." I let out another sigh. Oh yeah. I hated projects, especially one's where I had to talk to someone. Maybe she has paired me with the dumbest guy in here who will let me do all the work on my own, or better yet, will do all the work for me. But God please help me if I'm paired with Ben or Josh.

She lifted up her piece of paper and began reading the lines that you could clearly see through the sheet.

"Ben and Maria. Alex and August. Mark and Jack..." She kept talking but to me her voice just drifted off and everything went silent. I felt my pulse begin to speed up and my vision start to go blurry. I felt like I always did, like I was drowning and the water that filled my lungs was making me choke. But everything stopped when I felt a warm touch on my arm.

"Jack? Hey are you alright?" It was Mark. God I bet he hates me. I bet he's dreading this. He'll probably beat me up too. "So we're paired together for this project. Weird huh?" He started laughing, which made me feel so confused. Why didn't he hate me? I ran out and left him there yesterday! Isn't he mad at me?

"Yeah... Weird..." I muttered. I avoided looking at him. I was scared he would see me and remember what I did. I mean you don't just leave people to do your job! Dammit Jack. Why do you fuck everything up...

"So I was thinking we could go to your house after scho-"

"No!" Before I could think, I stood up and slammed my hand on the table. "We can't go to my house!" What was I doing?! He was gonna ask why...

"Why..?" Told ya.

"Because... Because it's really small." I said, hoping he would just move on. Luckily he did. I was relieved for a second and then I started worrying. What if the reason he didn't question me about it was because he didn't care. No one ever cared...

"So you wanna go to mine then?" I nodded my head and we exchanged numbers before heading out. I couldn't go straight to his house, because I still had to clean those damn bleachers for another 2 weeks and 4 days. Damned schools and their fucked up ruling system... Whatever. Luckily Mark wanted to help again, but it didn't matter how much I needed the help, I spent the whole time worrying it would end like last time.

But it didn't.

It ended differently then that.


So we reached 100 reads! Aahhh!! That may not be a big number compared to some of the fiction on here, but for my writing, I couldn't be anymore appreciative. So thank you.

Q - what do you guys think happened? What did Jack mean by it ended differently than that?

Please remember to keep voting cause it makes me smile and I like to smile :) and don't be afraid to leave a comment and hit me up ;) ya'll seem like nice peeps.

If I wrote something other than this would ya'll check it out? I'm not necessarily saying I will, I'm just curious. Cause so far this book has actually done pretty well considering it hasn't been out long and I'm super proud of that. If you guys are interested in another book, I'd love to hear ideas. Maybe we could even make a collab book? That'd be cool. Sorry I'm just babbling now. If I don't stop I'll make the authors notes longer than the book and no one cares about these stupid little things.


Love you guys :)

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