Wednesday Victims

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Mark's POV:

It had been a week since then. He had been here a full week. My polls now have a new subject (Sean or Jack, whats the real one?), Ben and Josh had suprisingly been staying away from him so far and Wade had a little... let's call it an incident, with a tray of food in the hall on Friday and it was NOT blowing over in the slightest. But that was pretty much all of it. Other than that, it had been a pretty boring week.

So that's why I couldn't understand why Jack hadn't shown up to any of his classes this week. In fact, I hadn't seen him at all. After our talk in the mens bathroom last Wednesday, I had seen him a couple times and really wanted to talk to him, but I don't want to find out what's wrong. I've never done that with someone I've made polls on before, and I'm scared that it will probably make me feel guilty. I can't let that happen. I can't let him throw off what I've been doing for 2 years here at City Side.

That's when I heard the chanting. 

The corridor's had this excitement feel as everyone ran to see what was happening, including Wade.

"Yo Mark!" I heard from behind me. "Are you coming?" Although Wade was technically talking, he was showing no sign of stopping. Which made sense, because if he would, he would just swept away by the sea of people anyway.

I started running alongside him, hoping not to lose sight of him.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"There's a fight between the jocks and the new kid." Suddenly, I understood why I hadn't seen him this week. Because they were telling him not to come. He must of come today, and the poor kid doesn't even understand when you do that, it doesn't end well.

Everybody, to the left of me, to the right of me, EVERYBODY, stopped running. People from all different grades where pushing through each other trying to get to the centre of this poorly choreographed circle.

"Fight! Fight! Fight!" You could hear it chanting in every direction, bouncing of of the blue lockers and back into your already conflicted ears.

I took it upon myself to try and get through the black abyss of people, although I know I'd probably come out of the other side either panting or just fly out of it and land straight in my face. Then I'd end up like Wade, with all the embarrassing names being thrown at me. Luckily, it was no panting. No embarrassing stories to tell from me as of now. 

What I could see was no different than what I expected. Josh encouraging the crowd to chant as he circled Ben, who of course, already had Jack pinned up against the locker. Keeping his throat in place with his strong-as-a-horse forearm. Ben was closer that Jack to me last week. He gave him a look of pure hatred, one I had never seen from Ben before. Sure, Ben wasn't a fan of a lot of students that came here, but I've never seen that much hatred on his face. What did Jack even do? Almost as if on cue, Ben turned to face the crowd with a smirk. God... I hated that smirk. 

"This little punk." He announced, hushing the crowd as he spoke. "Has decided to show up at our school." He emphasised our school. As if nobody else could join. Of course Ben would attack someone for not being American, racist piece of shit. "No one, and I repeat no one, gets to decide how things work around here, but us!" He spat in Jack's face, but Jack didn't move. In fact, Jack didn't look scared at all.

"All hail the president of City Side." Jack started laughing. I could only just make out what he was saying.

"Speak up Lucky Charms."

"Of course Mr President." Then Jack's face lost its joy. It turned angry.

I can't remember exactly what happened after that. I saw a couple punches, a couple slams into things, but most of it was covered by people pushing back in front of me. All I know was that when it finished. 2 boys were on the floor, and one boy was standing up.

And that boy was Jack.


Jack's POV:

"You're fucking kidding me!" I screamed. This was bullshit! "They attacked me!"

"And that's another week Sean. Watch your language."

So the deal was because I got into a fight, I had to stay for an hour everyday after school for 2- well I guess 3 now, weeks and clean the bleachers. And this was the worst bit, Ben and Josh didn't have any type of punishment at all! (Apart from a broken nose and a twisted arm, wow did I fuck those guys up). I nodded in utter disapproval and walked out of the room taking a detention ticket as I left. This school really needed to work on it's bullying system.

Mark's POV: 

I was listening to Wade go on and on about the fight, fascinated by every little thing that happened, but I wasn't really paying attention. I was still beyond amazed that Jack could do that, and how he wasn't even scared to at all. No one has ever done that to them before. I can't imagine how humiliated they must be.

"Sup brother." I turned around and saw... Felix? Felix never spoke to me outside of betting time. 

"Felix? What's up?" I smiled slightly. I wont lie, I did like the guy, and I did want to hang out with him outside of the bets.

"I was just wondering, how are you gonna find out what his real name is, I mean it probably wont come out on it's own for next Tuesday." He had a point. How was I going to find out his real name?

Guess I'd just have to get closer to him and find out.


Q- What do you guys think about the fight? 

Thank you guys a lot for voting and commenting, I really appreciate it =)

Love you guys :)


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