Polling Day

226 19 5

Mark's POV:
Of course, not everyone knew about the tuesday polls at my locker. Only specific people did. I could get into way more trouble than you would originally think if I got caught, so its more than important to keep the buisness to the small group of people who take it seriously. I have a large customer rate, and so far no one has taken the leap of selling me out to the principal, landing me a immediate expulsion and maybe even more. They couldn't do much in terms of getting my family involved though.
Tuesday. 1pm. I thought to myself. That was four and a half seconds away from being a reality. That, my dear reader, is opening time. The clocks second hand struck towards the black-lettered twelve as I opened my locker.
I know my customers well enough to know it wouldn't take them long to be here, gathered in a circle, ready to cash in their last weeks bets. You see, if you knew them like I did, you would know they are all the same. They are all thirsty for the same thing at the same time in the same place. And that thing is money. As much as they can possibly carry.
Each week they bring more and more to throw at me, risking it for a quick buck in return. But of course, you couldn't always be a winner. But luckily, they knew that. So as of now, I didnt have any stubborn customers who demanded a refund, instead I actually started a pretty decent community. It was almost like a club. It wasnt a very good club, considering the whole point of it was to bet a couple dollars on the tragedies and decisions of peoples lives.
My thoughts were interrupted by a loud screech echoeing through the hallways.
"Pay up you red-headed weirdo!" I smiled as I saw Felix prancing through the crowds of odd stares, grinning from one ear to the other. I nodded and and started clapping slowly. If I had to say that I had a favorite customer, Felix would be that. He never wins, but never stops smiling. Its strange, really. But it makes me smile too.
"I have to hand it to you Felix, I was sure you wouldn't win this week." I turned to my locker as I spoke and pulled out thirty dollars, ready to hand them over.
"Well what can I say Mark. Jenny is such a slut it was obvious she wasnt gonna make that relationship last longer than a week." He spoke about Jenny in a harsh tone yet his voice still said childish and happy "I'm on a road that only goes up my friend." He slammed his elbow up to the locker beside me and looked through the gap at me. I closed the locker to reveal his smug face waiting like a dog to a bone.
"Well, we'll see about that next time." I counted the money in my hands one more time before finally handing it into the joyous child-like boy in front of me.
I could see the line of customers already forming behind Felix and I had to stop briefly to glare at them, warning them to remember to make it subtle. Otherwise someone would know something was going on.
"Pleasure doing buisness with ya." He tipped an imaginary hat at me before moving to the side. The way this worked was simple. You cashed in the bet you won, if you did (obviously), then moved into a circle surrounding me. I would then give the topics of this weeks poll and you'd choose to make another bet. It was a working system, as long as everyone worked with it and was patient. I got through the line like I always did, everyone got their mine. Including me.
I sorted out my cash pile in my locker and took the bit of paper with this weeks topic on it. I took my time while everyone stood anxiously around me, there must of been at least 15 people around me. I wonder what kind of people they were, what they did, what they liked, what they didnt like. I knew them, but I didn't know things like that and it was weird. Well at least it felt that way. All I knew was they all had one thing in common, they didn't hesitate to waste their money on silly little bets. But hey, Im not complaining. I'd made at least a hundred with this.
Felix tried to peek over my shoulder but I shot a stare of daggers at him and he giggled before backing away.
I cleared my throat and thought about this weeks polls. This was gonna be a good one.
"This week..." Everyone's heads, almost as if planned, poked a little out of their necks in anticipation, listening very carefully to my words. "There's someone new." Everyone gasped and started whispering among one another. I stood patiently because to be fair on them, it was seriously shocking news. The last time this probably happened was before we were even alive. "So my question is.." I broke the whispers and everyone refocused on me. "What color is his hair?" The whispers spread across the corridor once again as everyone discussed. Personally, I thought his hair would be brown. After five minutes of trying to listen to the conversations spreading like wildfire, they all walked back into that line.
I got a couple bets for brown, another couple for blonde, one for ginger and one for pink. That one was Felix. Classic Felix.
The boy was coming to school tomorrow, so the bets were locked in.
I wonder if the boy is into this stuff.
I wonder if he could be my next customer.
Comments are another thing that helps so please leave one, anything really. Preferably constructive critisism. I like learning so if you wanna help with that please do.
Love you guys :)

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