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I couldn't help myself. The past few days I had spent following the drunken boy home. I felt obligated to make sure that he arrived there safely. Tonight was another matter. He was more drunk than usual- the kind of drunk that didn't care for safety and would back-chat their way into more trouble. He staggered up the street, me trailing close behind him. I wanted to know why he did this to himself, it was incredibly dangerous. Although I wasn't one to judge- I had killed my boyfriend a week or so ago.

He went into an alleyway, hiding from a group of people that I couldn't see. Thinking that he was hallucinating, I stood across the street, hiding behind a tree; watching him. I didn't know what he was doing, nor did I want to approach him at first, I didn't want to make him feel uncomfortable. That was the least thing that I wanted to do. He was clearly in need, and me rushing in as soon as possible would surely have made matters worse. So I waited, only for a second or so, before that group of people passed by. I watched him duck behind a huge dumpster in front of him, but that did nothing to protect him. One of them had already spotted him, doubling back. He shouted something inaudible, and I knew that I had to ready myself. I'd protect him at any cost- he didn't deserve any more pain.

He emerged from behind the dumpster, hands up in surrender, I stirred impatiently in my spot. Becoming more and more angry as the seconds passed by. He was so careless. So stupid for allowing them to walk all over him. Hearing their unintelligent thoughts as every single one that had passed by appeared again was enough to bring on a headache. I crept across the road, making sure that they wouldn't notice me. The boy that I was meant to be protecting was clearly argumentative, I could see it in his beer-glazed eyes. If he knew what was good for him he'd stop, and walk my way. I peered around the wall, making sure that my presence wasn't known. I couldn't just run in and toss his attackers aside, it was too obvious. They'd bother to put up a fight- I had to scare them a little. I took in a deep breath, closing my eyes. To make sure that I didn't look like a tall, weedy emo- I had to change. Id had to trick my body into feeling intensely hungry.

I listened to their blood flowing through their bodies, every little beat of their hearts. The quick pace of the boy I was protecting- I was angry.

I threw myself into the opening of the alley, standing there, breathing heavily. The boy was on the floor, the group of delinquents stood around him like a wolf pack about to finish a meal. The boy was definitely slipping in and out of consciousness. I didn't listen to a word that they all said. One called out to me, shushing the boy on the ground. He cursed at me- not that it mattered to me anymore. He'd be lying in a broken heap in a matter of seconds. I ran at him, stopping in front of him.

"Leave. Him. Alone." I was seething with anger, my voice ice cold. My hand shot to his throat, gripping it tightly. I enjoyed listening to the gasps for air- he deserved that deprivation The others stood still, completely paralysed. They could do nothing but run away. However, as soon as they began to run I'd launch them across the small alley, one crashing into the wall with an appeasing thud. I smiled wickedly, trying not to laugh.

Eventually, there was one left standing. I could sense his fear, it egged me on. It took me a few seconds to dissuade myself against killing him. I didn't want to become even more of a serial killer; instead, he screamed as his oxygen intake decreased. As his skin turned a bluish-purple, I rolled my eyes, tossing him aside as he passed out. My attention was now solely focused on the boy at my feet. I could hear his anxiety whispered to him, forcing him to become weaker and weaker. It upset me. The smells of metallic blood had filled the air, once again I had to dissuade myself from draining every single one of the passed out fuckers at my feet.

I knelt down in front of him, his eyes rolled into the back of his head as the precious seconds ticked by. I held back tears. I hardly knew him but I felt like he was already a part of my life, a part of me. If it wasn't for me, he'd be dead in that alley. He would have died alone, in pain, and without loving any inch himself. That thought threatened to send me into a crying fit, but a deep breath in helped to balance my raging hormones.

I scooped him up like a mother would her baby, his pale arms dangling limply by his side. I was covered in blood- it wasn't important as to who it belonged to. I just hoped that the idiots on the floor didn't see my face. It would make my life in this town even more difficult; I had probably already ruined everything.

What would Mikey say?
Song Of The Chapter- Lithium (Live at Reading version) by Nirvanabanana

My GCSE anticipation is killing me XD I have 29 weeks until shit ends up tits up... Pray for meeeee

Lemme know what you think?? Don't forget to comment and vote ;)

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