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I edged slowly towards him, my angry growls growing louder and louder as I neared him. I could hear his heartbeat- fuck, I could feel it. His bottom lip trembled, tears rolling down his face. I didn't want it to have to be this way. I didn't like to see him cry, but he had brought this situation on himself. He didn't deserve to be treated like this, he deserved a nice, caring guy. A human like him. My mouth twitched as my teeth threatened to grow, he knew exactly what he was doing.

"I could force you to do it. I could." He said hurriedly, looking for any sharp object that his could find. His eyes scanned the room for a knife, but I knew his plan. Any way that he could run- I could run faster.

"No you couldn't Damien. I think that it's better if you leave. I love you, but not enough to ever change you into a monster like me." My fangs poked down, resting on my lips. I was vulnerable to anything that involved blood, and he knew this for sure. I could hear Mikey screaming at Damien's sister upstairs, her voice high-pitched and incredibly whiny. I rolled my eyes, understanding their plan in an instant.

"You and your sister- you didn't come across us by accident, did you? You purposefully manipulated me into forming an attachment to you." I accused him, pushing him away from me. He fell against the table, trying hard to gain his balance.

"I-I- We just want to be young, and beautiful forever. The way that all of the stories tell people about your kind." He started to sob hysterically again, but I wasn't buying it. To think, that I had even allowed myself to fall in love with a complete lie wrapped up in a human suit. I really did know to screw myself over. I started to laugh, clapping at his harrowing performance. He stopped crying immediately, wiping the crocodile tears from his eyes. He sniffled, his hands dropping to his sides.

"You're an amazing actor Damien, I commend you. Tell me, how much of a struggle was it to play this character?" I asked sarcastically, leaning on the countertop. He scoffed, rolling his eyes at me. I looked at him, with a stare so intense that it implored him to answer my question.

"I really do love you Gerard, honestly I do. I just want to live forever, for me it would be like starting life over- brand new. Like you and Mikey did. You have the perfect mother-figure, you had that ability to change your identity." He said, every word that came out of his mouth from my perspective was complete and utter shit. What happened to Mikey and I was more of a rescue, than a transformation just for the sake of it. He wasn't dying, he wasn't suffering at all. He was a teenager, and most of them go through the misunderstood and confused phase. Believe me, I was stuck at that point for all eternity.

"Well, I'm glad that you love me. Unfortunately, I can't say the same anymore. You lied to me, you led me on." I said, fighting back tears. I did love him- once. I could hardly look at him. Something in the back of my mind told me to wait for a sign from Mikey. It had become quiet all of a sudden, something must have gone wrong.

"Gee, his sister's dead. I-I drained her, there's nothing left in her body. I-I don't know what to do Gerard, what will Damien do?" Mikey's voice floated around in my mind like a stray thought. I looked up at him, he had hope in his eyes. Hope that he would become immortal like me, like he could have the chance at living forever.

"It's okay Mikey, I'm just finishing up. We can think of a plan afterwards."

I walked towards him, he swallowed. I picked him up, placing him as gently as I cared to do on the table. He gasped, from shock or fear- I didn't care anymore. I would go along with the I love you Damien train until the time was right. Then I would do exactly what Mikey had done. I would drain him; it would surely hurt my mental state somewhere down the line. I pulled off his shirt, planting kisses from his neck down to his stomach. He gasped, I placed a finger to his lips to shush him.

"You do love me Gerard?" He asked, lips quivering. I shushed him again, returning to his face. I pressed my lips against his, his mouth warm. I pulled away, slowly turning his head to the side. I felt like my eyes were going to roll back into my head; I was going to get so much satisfaction from this, I couldn't handle it. He thought that he was getting immortality, instead he was getting the end.
I plunged my fangs into his neck, hearing him groan. I drank, his blood pouring into the back of my throat. His fingers gripped locks of my hair, he was trying to pull me away.

I breathed in heavily, taking in the scene. Damien laid lifeless on the table, eyes staring blankly into the distance. I wiped my mouth as Mikey walked into the room, Damien's sister over his shoulder. He placed her body next to his, closing both of their eyes.

"It was necessary." He assured me, patting me on the back. I smiled weakly, looking at the limp body of somebody that I had once loved. Now he was just another victim, another grave to dig.
Song(s) Of The Chapter- American Horror Story (Complete Score) by James S. Levine

If this part seems rushed, then I'm sorry but it has to happen XD I couldn't bear writing another long conversation story. And for like the fiftieth time I'm in love with this Ahs music man XD I'm completely and utterly obsessed (oopsies)
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