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The sun made my skin feel uncomfortable as I went. Mikey had walked off, leaving me completely alone. I huffed, kicking a rock into the path of a car. The trees swayed silently, the breeze blowing my hair in every direction. I held my fringe out of my face as I walked.The smells of the people around me, they threatened to turn me into the monster that I hated. I still couldn't contain my thirst well, even after all of the centuries of being the monster. I balled my fists up at my sides, Mikey emerged from nowhere.

"Okay?" He asked, noticing that I was struggling.

"Mhm." I mumbled, hardly opening my mouth. That would've made my fangs appear, and I was not going to let that happen. The last time I had allowed that to happen, Mikey had to stop me from attacking a guy. To be fair to myself, he did provoke me.

"You know that if it gets too much you can leave, right?" Mikey reminded me cooly, I nodded. Considering the fact that he was younger than me, he was a hell of a lot more mature than me. More responsible.

"Mhm." I mumbled again, trying to forget my thirst. It was the best thing that I could do, otherwise I'd drain everybody in a one mile radius. Like last time. Mikey stayed with me, I felt like he was there to protect everyone else, and keep me in check. We made our way to the reception, many people stopping to stare at us. I didn't see what differences there were between us and other new people. Apart from the fact that Mikey and I were soulless vampires- but that wasn't my point. Mikey was the typical popular-looking guy, and I was the typical emo-looking guy. My fringe was long enough to cover my eyes, my fashion sense enough to land me a job in Hot Topic.

"Good morning Michael, Gerard. I'm glad that you made it here okay," the blonde woman at the reception said. She was more than happy to be in a hell-hole on a Monday morning. She smelt strongly of makeup and cheap perfume, and was smiling incredibly brightly, "Here are your timetables. If you have any trouble navigating, just let me know." She handed two sheets of paper to Mikey, who pulled a face at them. He thanked the woman, handing me one of the sheets.

"Looks like you have Biology first." Mikey said, glancing over at mine. I rolled my eyes, crumpling the paper up, shoving it into my pocket. "Attitude." Mikey sniggered, looking me up and down. I shoved him playfully, laughing along with him.

"Can we not just bunk off? It's not like we need to learn anyway." I whined, crowds of people pushing past us both. I hated that I could hear everything going on in their minds. It was like a concert full of teenage girls just screaming in my head. Over and over again.

"No Gee, for once we can't bunk off. I don't know about you, but I don't want to be arrested. And I also don't want our house to be taken away from us." He said, hitting me with the facts of the matter. I growled. I made him walk me to my class, I didn't want to go alone. He was charismatic enough to find his own way around anywhere, he could ask anybody anything without the fear of being attacked for being different. I sat at the back, doing my best to avoid anyone and everyone. Which didn't work, because somebody sat down right next to me.

"Hi, I'm Ray. You're new, nice to meet you." He said quickly, holding out his hand. I smiled, as difficult as smiling was to me, shaking his hand. His hair was a giant, brunette mass of curls. His eyes wide.

"Gerard. Nice to meet you too." I said quietly, turning back to face the front, keeping my head down. If I can make it a year or less in this place, then I can leave and never return, I said to myself, trying to reassure myself and stop myself from freaking out. But Ray persisted in his quest to talk to me, wanting to keep up conversation.

"So, what brings you here?" He asked in a whisper, avoiding the teacher who was talking at the front of the class.

"Nothing much. My brother and I recently moved here, with our mother. A change of scenery I guess." I lied, wanting to dissolve into the floor. I didn't want to have to make up a convincing enough lie. I was too lazy for that, and I just wanted to go home. To wallow in self-pity, and to binge-drink my sadness away.

"Oh, cool." He said, turning back to face the front. He must've seen how uncomfortable I was feeling just talking to him. He was doing me a favour, and I was grateful for that. At the end of class, Mikey was waiting outside the door for me. A small pack of girls at his heels; drooling over him as usual. A small blonde, a chubby brunette, a quiet-looking redhead. He rolled his eyes at me, walking me down be corridor. He explained how much of a horror his first class was. Girls had already started to swarm around him like a swarm of horny insects.

"Wanna bunk off?" He asked exasperatedly, his head motioning to the growing collection of girls behind him.

"Should've listened to me in the first place." I huffed, patting him on the back. Luckily the girls didn't follow home; just to the school gates, looking incredibly disappointed as their new crush almost ran away from them.
Song Of The Chapter- Bad Reputation by Joan Jett & The Blackhearts

I've made a whole playlist of songs that I would think that Gerard's character would listen to. He's like an old guy in a young guys body. Which means a frick tonne of Joan and I'm okaaaayyy with thaaaat. Don't forget to comment and vote, it helps me out (:

Blood (Prequel to Vampires Will Never Hurt You)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu