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"But I want to be with you forever, Gerard. What part of that don't you understand?" He started to cry, pain in his eyes. I looked away, I couldn't watch him. Yes, I loved him; but I wouldn't curse him with immortality. Sure, it's great for the first few years, but then shit gets repetitive. It's tedious, and I hate hunting people.

"I know you do Damien, I'm not as dumb as you think. I'm not turning you, and that's final. Don't you dare ask me that again." I poked him violently in the shoulder, trying to control myself. I couldn't be angry, it would send me over the edge. I needed to calm down, I needed him to leave. He rubbed his shoulder, lip quivering, eyes almost watering. He was upset, but I didn't care. His request was stupid, and I'd never do it. "I- I'm sorry for upsetting you. But this is always a bad subject for me. I didn't ask to be like this, it's not something that you're born with. Just, please- never ask me again, okay?" I begged, pulling him against my chest. He nodded, sobbing, holding his shoulder. I apologised over and over again, kissing him on the cheek. He wrapped his arms around my waist, nuzzling into my shirt

Sitting together outside, the sun singed my skin. He rested his head on my stomach, fingers intertwined with mine. His blonde hair ruffled in the light breeze, his icy blue eyes staring dead ahead. It was quiet, except for the sounds of nature. The way that I liked it, in a way it reminded me of my past. My vampire-free past. Then it happened, a manic screaming. Mikey stormed from the kitchen, standing in front of us. He was fuming, face twisted into an angry frown.

"Get out." He hissed, pointing at Damien. My jaw dropped.

"Mikey, what the fuck are you doing?" I shouted, standing up. He breathed in and out, Damien stood up next to me. His hand grabbed mine through fear.

"Get the fuck off my brother, and get the fuck out of my house." His eyes were bright red, his teeth barred. Damien's sister appeared out of nowhere, her hair messy, she looked slightly bewildered. Damien dropped my hand, backing away.

"The both of you, leave. Now." His sister grabbed him, dragging him away.
I turned to Mikey, wanting to kill him. How dare he speak to my Damien like that.

"Before you kill me Gerard, we need to talk." He held his hands out in surrender, my teeth threatening to appear to tear him to shreds. He grabbed my collar, taking me into the lounge, throwing me onto the couch. I decided on hearing him out, what he had to say must've been semi-important. Otherwise he wouldn't have screamed at my boyfriend, ordering him out of our house.

"What is there to talk about? Apart from the fact that you drew my boyfriend away!" I hissed, wanting to throw myself at him.

"Remember what Elena said, Gerard? Remember what she said to you?"

" 'He's not like any others'. And he's not, Mikey. I've never loved somebody as much as him, we understand each other. I love him." I protested, fighting back tears. I had finally found somebody that loved me, I was finally happy- but Mikey had to go and make it crash and burn. My heart ached, my conscience burned.

"You're right, he isn't. His sister jumped me with a knife, Gerard. She tried to drink my blood. She wants to be immortal, and I'm betting that Damien does too." He said angrily, he pulled his shirt away from his neck, revealing a gash. The blood was black and dry, I was glad that it wasn't painful for him. I pulled a face, covering my eyes. He put his shirt back, walking over to me. He knelt down in front of me, prying my hands away from his eyes.

"He asked you, didn't he?" He asked, looking straight into my eyes. I nodded, sniffling softly. He sighed, lowering his head. "And you didn't, did you?" He asked, eyes hoping and praying and begging that I hadn't given in to Damien's persistence. I shook my head, frowning. I would never change somebody if they asked- it would only be to save them. Sure, Damien has a shitty life- but don't most people?

"I'm going to my room." I said, voice quivering, lip trembling. Mikey nodded understandingly, letting me know that he'd check on me later. I agreed, not knowing what sorts of fucked-up shit my mind would forced me to do. I climbed the stairs, Mikey still watching. I threw myself onto my bed, burying myself under the covers.
I felt disgusting, like I had been taken advantage of. I suddenly found myself hating Damien, and I didn't want to see him again. My fingers curled around the blankets, wanting to scream and scream until my voice gave out. But I didn't, because I knew that Mikey would come rushing to stop me from doing whatever it was that he thought that I was doing. Which would evidently turn out to be absolutely nothing.

My phone rang, again and again and again and again. I knew that it was Damien, and I knew that he'd be begging for me to let him come back over. To talk things over; he must've known that I knew his intentions. I needed some time alone, away from him.
Song Of The Chapter- Paint It Black by The Rolling Stones

This chapter was kinda difficult to write for some reason :/ but I hope that it's okay, and it's good XD
Don't forget to comment and vote, it's helps me out.

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