Chapter 3: "Good News & Bad News"

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-Lui POV-

"Yeah,but there was one boy in there who seemed really depressed."

E: Wow, how old was he?


E: Hmm.

Evan thinks about that for some reason.

Ms. Carruthers comes out to the lobby and calls Tyler and myself into her office.

MC:Have you guys chosen the two you want to adopt?

"Yes,we would like to adopt Ray and Chandler."

MC:  "Very nice choices, I need you both to sign these papers."

We signed the papers.


-Ray POV-

I can't believe I'm getting adopted, but I don't know how Keith will take the news. I'm like his only friend here. I hope he manages alright without me. That's when I noticed Keith was sitting on his bed searching for something.

"What are you looking for?"


"I have something that I need to tell you."

I noticed Keith had became saddened with this statement. I guess he already figured it out.

K:"You got adopted, didn't you?"

I slowly nod my head.

I noticed one lone tear come out of Keith's eye, before he quickly turned away from facing me.

"They also adopted Chandler."

K:"How's that fair?!"

Keith sounded angry and sad when I said that sentence. Hell, I'd be angry too if my only best friend was leaving. I'd be even more pissed if my bully was getting picked over me. So I don't blame him.

"I'll always come back and visit."

*thinks to myself* Did I just say that?

K:"Yeah, right!"

I just walk back over to my bed with my luggage on top. Keith had gotten up and had something behind his back.

"Keith, whatcha got there?"

He holds out the mini stuffed teddy bear that he said that his parents gave to him when he was a couple of months old.

K:"I want you to have this."

I was just so shocked that he was giving me his teddy bear.

"Keith,I can't take this."

K:"I insist that you take this as a memory of me."

I just kind of grab it. I sit it on top of my closed luggage bag,that's when I heard Lui walking up the stairs.

-Lui POV-

I noticed that the really depressed kid had given Ray something, it looked like a teddy bear. I wonder if Vanoss or one of the other guys could adopt him?

"You ready?"

She nodded her head.

I noticed that she had quickly turned to Keith, I believe his name was, and they did one big hug. They hugged for about a minute or two. I wasn't going to intervene.

Tyler was helping Chandler carry his stuff out to the car and I was carrying Ray's stuff.


-Still Lui's POV-

We had dropped Evan off at his house, we also dropped Tyler and Chandler off at their house which is just across the street from our house.

We walked up the steps and Ray rushed right into an empty bedroom.

"How did you know that this was your room?" I asked her.

"Just did." She replied.

I sat the luggage on the ground. That's when I noticed that she was sitting on the bed just starring at the teddy bear.

"You alright kiddo?" I asked her.

R: "I just miss him."

She slowly and quietly sobbed, and I pulled her into my arms trying to calm her down.

I replied with "I know you do."

I just kept rubbing her back until she was calm.

"Try to get some sleep" I had suggested.

She nodded and lied down with the bear.

I headed out towards the kitchen and pulled out my cell phone and called Evan.


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