Chapter 2: "A New Day"

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K= Keith
E= Evan
R= Ray
L= Lui
T= Tyler
MC= Ms. Carruthers
C= Chandler

(Italics mean Dialogue if you didn't notice that.)


The guys and I had been talking about adopting kids. Tyler and Lui have been set on this. I wasn't so sure about the idea though. We're going later today to pick out 2 kids, one for each of them. I might have to pick one out for myself, but I'm not so sure about it,since I don't see myself as a father figure.



I heard Ms. Carruthers coming up the steps. You could probably hear her if we lived in Australia.

MC: There are two guys coming to possibly adopt two kids today.

I looked over at Keith, he didn't seem to impressed with the fact two people were coming.

"Keith,why such the long face?"

K: "Well,they won't adopt me, I just know it! People only want small children or children who don't look depressed."

I felt so bad for him. He might be right though. Everyone that's come and gone have been under the age of 7, or they aren't depressed.


-THIRD Person POV-

Evan, Lui and Tyler are sitting in the car outside of the adoption agency.They hop out of the car, then they enter the place.

-Lui POV-

Tyler and I are walking up to the desk, that's when we're greeted by Ms. Carruthers, she seems nice. Before we head back into the room to interview them, Evan decides to sit down in the lobby area.

"Evan,what are you doing?"

E: "I'm not adopting right now, remember?"

"Come on Evan, you should adopt one. You could possibly have a mini Evan."

He laughed at that statement, which that made me smile.

E:"I'm still not going back there."

"*sigh* Fine, whatever"

Tyler and I walk into the back room. There stands lots of kids. We interview each and every one of them. We come towards the older kids that are 12-15 years old.

I approached this really nice girl and asked her some questions.

"What's your name?"

R: "Ray"

"How old are you?"

R: "14"

"Hmm, I see you like H2ODelirious"

I knew this since she was wearing a Delirious shirt.

She nodded her head and smiled.

I then walked towards a boy who seemed really shy and like he had been through a lot.

"What's your name?"

K: "Keith"

He almost whispered the name.

"How old are you?"

K: "12"

He answered again with a low voice.

I then walk towards a kid who seems like they're the "popular" type in the orphanage.

"What's your name?"

C: "Chandler"

He answers with confidence.

"How old are you?"

C: "14"

Then after this question, I walk back out towards the main lobby area. Ms. Carruthers asked me if I found the one's we wanted.

I nodded my head. We have made our choice.


I walked over to Keith who is sitting on his bed, looking about as depressed as he usually is. I began to walk over to him, but before I got to him he pulled down sweatshirt sleeves to try to hide something. I had gotten a quick glimpse of his arm, it looked like there was some blood on it.



"Whatcha doing?"

K:"Just sitting here, why?"

"Do you think that went well?"


-Lui POV-

Tyler and I are sitting with Evan out in the lobby.

Evan asked...

"Did you guys find the ones?"

"Yeah,but I can't help take my mind off the one kid back there who seemed really depressed."

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