Chapter Twenty Seven: Holy Mother of Llama Lions!

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A/N Update time! Was the suspense killing you all weekend? NO NEED TO FEAR CHAPTER TWENTY SEVEN IS HERE! Wow that was corny...Oh well! ;D LOL And I AM updating on Mondays and Fridays now! Yippee! xD 

Dan's P.O.V (Before Bailey opened the presents) 

       Since Bailey has been home I feel a part of my life is complete. The hole in my heart has been filled with her back in my life. Truth is, she never left my life or my heart, but I just felt empty without her. I wish everyday could be like this and I was a absolute idiot for not asking her the one question I've been dying to ask when she ran in my arms at the airport. Bailey's in the shower, I can hear the water running from my room. She smelled like Axe when she ran into my arms at the air port. For a weird reason, that bugged the shit out of me. I hated the smell of any other guy, besides me, on her. The damn prick, Louis, got my Bail's pregnant. She's already four months along and she is absolutely adorable with her poochy tummy but it feels wrong and looks wrong on her supposed to be petite body.   

      "Why am I such an idiot..." I mutter under my breath, running a hand through my now straight hair. 

     The sound of the running water turns off and now I can only hear the beautiful, faint sound of her humming to 'Good Morning Sunshine'. That song is her favorite and I loved hearing her sing it. Her voice was gorgeous, she was gorgeous, everything about her was gorgeous. The baby deserved her more than anything but if it looks like Louis, I will be pissed. The baby doesn't deserve to look like Louis, or have his personality. If it does, I'll be one unhappy camper. The baby should have the voice of an angel, like its mother. It should have a sweet yet sarcastic personality. It should have a great sense of humor, faint freckles, and gorgeous green eyes and light, light brown hair. It will be perfect in every way possible. 

     If only I was the father, like I've always dreamed of being since the day I met Bailey. I've never been the type to be in a relationship, get married, have kids, and actually do something with my pathetic life. But, that all changed when Bailey waltzed into our door like a fan girling maniac. I loved when she did that. 

  I love everything about her, from her freckles to her Converse. Hell, if she wasn't in my life I'd be a lost cause. A fucking messed up lost cause who lives with a 26 year old who still plays Pokemon and wears footie pajamas. Nothing weird about my life. 

    Bailey is like the thread that sews up my heart and makes it fixed and completed again. If that thread broke...I'd be nothing. 

   I lay on my bed, my laptop beside me. Bailey's footsteps are heard outside my door and I hear her gasp at the sight of her room that Phil and I so excellently designed for her. I had a feeling she'd love it. She's always loved those Tumblr girl looking rooms even if she doesn't want to admit it. I could see it when she scrolled through her internet and saw all the cheesy Tumblr girl posts. 

      Then I remember I left Phil and I's presents in there...Shit! She's going to see it! I was supposed to do something cute for my present to her! Not her to find it on her own! Shit, shit, shit! Oh fuck my life. 

   "Shit!" I curse and pace back and fourth in my room and literally want to pull my hair out. If she finds those and opens mine...

  "PHIL!" I shout in frustration. After a bit he comes to my room and looks at me questioningly. I sigh and tell him about how I left the gifts in her room when I went to put Charlie's dog bed in there before the three of us fell asleep on the couch. 

       "You idiot! She's going to find it!" Phil smacks me upside the head and glares at me with his intimidating blue eyes. I gape at him in shock but I know he's right. I'm screwed. 

    "I know! If she finds that I'm fucking screwed! What should I do!?" I panic and Phil starts to pace as well. I should've planned this longer...I knew that when she left I wanted to do this for when she got back, but six months of planning is not enough time for a lazy arse person like me. Trust me. She was supposed to be gone eight months but she came back early on the sixth month, four months pregnant. So ironic isn't it? She didn't know she was pregnant, she might be more months along than she thinks...

    Went on tour with One Direction, got pregnant, would she be able to take my little surprise gift too? Or will she break? I don't know...

  "Dan, your in deep trouble this time. I don't know what to tell you...this is on you now." Phil says in his god damn wise voice. Phil maybe a gamer, and insanely blond under that think black hair but he is wise when he wants to be and a total smart arse on my part when he is. 

       "Well your a awful lot of help, Phil!" I accuse with sarcasm and I wanna slap his face. Don't get me wrong, I love my best mate, but he can be the most annoying person ever when I'm in deep shit. He has that cocky look on his face that I hate. 

  "Sorry, Dan. But, you wanted this. You do love her. But, now you'll have to come up with something to make her think it wasn't what it looked like if she did see it that it..." Phil says and I want to kiss his head in excitement.

     "Your a genius, Phil!" I shriek and run out of the room in a frantic, excited frenzy.

 "I am?" I hear Phil ask.


                She's standing, frozen in shock and my gift is on the floor. I knew she'd open the gifts. I'm not a moron, I know Bailey probably more than she knows herself. Her eyes are staring slightly down but not straight forward either, it's in-between and I can practically see all the thoughts going through her head right now. If only I could read her mind...

    Because of her shock, she doesn't realize I'm standing in the doorway, and so this gives me a chance to come up with a lie. Her hands tremble as she stares at the opened velvet box. 

   "Bailey." I say catching her attention. Her head whips up and horror is replaced onto her face from her shocked state. Her eyes wide, hands trembling, and a pale face like a ghost. 

   "I-I...and..I-I t-the gift..I I-I just.." She cant form words and she rails off at her mumbling. I want to laugh at her cuteness but I stay in my serious mode. 

      "Shhh. That gift isn't what you think it is. Or at least what I think you think it is..." I mutter and she hunches her eye brow in confusion. She's so cute. What? Snap out of it, Daniel! 

   "What?" Her small, innocent voice asks softly. 

       "The ring; it's not what you think it is." I lie bluntly but I have no way out of this. She can't know what my intentions were, and I wont let her know. She stays quiet so I continue. "That was for Charlie's short film he wants to do with you. I don't know what the movie is about but, you had to have a ring and since you were coming home and the ring was expensive, I did the honor of buying it for you!" I lie rather convincing...I even believe myself. What the hell? 

    "Oh." She says and I can't help but feel horrible at the look of disappointment on her face. Maybe she was hoping it was a real ring? Well, it is a real ring, but I mean like a ring that's not for a fake short film that apparently Charlie is doing.

     She almost looks as if she's about to cry. I wanna run and hug her, bend down on one knee, and say it was just a joke, but I can't. She totally believed me, too. That part is what surprises me most. 

   I walk over to where she has now picked up the beautiful ring I had spent trying to pick out for hours. They finally had to close their jewelry store so I decided on a Anello 14k  White Gold Princess-cut Diamond ring. It was gorgeous and I knew it would look beautiful on Bailey. Anything looks good on Bailey. Hell, she could be covered in garbage, be wearing a pig nose, and still look beautiful. 

       "What's wrong?" I ask her. You idiot, she obviously wanted that ring to be from you, not you buying it for her because Charlie 'asked' me to and she wanted the ring to be for her, not for a 'short film' she's going to be in. 

   "Nothing. That's really nice of you to pay for the expense of the ring that Charlie needed for me for the short film..." She mumbles and I feel a knife stab into my back. Her saying that hurt more than if I were to be run over by a truck full of Maltesers and llamas! 

      "Yeah." Then everything gets really awkward. "I'm going to go eat you want anything?" 

   "No. Thanks, though." She replies. I nod before shoving my hands in my sweat pants pockets, turning to leave to go to the kitchen with a million voices in my head.

Bailey's P.O.V 

      I can't help but feel a pang in my chest at what Dan tells me. He bought me a bloody engagement ring for a short film Charlie is having me in. I'm such an idiot. How could I of thought Dan would propose to me? He may love me but not like that, obviously. I'm so stupid. Tears have been threatening to pour out my eyes since he stepped into the room. I bet he could see it, too. I'm such an idiot. Why would I even think like that? 

   If this crushed my heart and ripped it out of my chest, I obviously have feelings for him or else it wouldn't have affected me. You know that feeling where you just find out you've liked someone and then you get all depressed because you know they'll never like you back? I felt that and it cracked open my heart. 

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