Chapter Twenty Four: I'm Coming Home (Part 1)

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A/N sorry I didn't do a double update I just didnt have the time but here's your chapter! :) Its long..and there is still another part to it..HAHA. Ok soooo this weeks goal is to get me 18 votes and 13 comments! I know you can do it! :D Cx Enjoy! 

   Dan's P.O.V (Get ready to fangirl Cx xD) 

I drank tea, my Maltesers packet on the side, sitting in the living room. It's not the same without Bailey. Never has and never will be until she comes home. She hasn't even seen the new flat yet and we've decorated every inch of her bedroom. It had a lot of work put into it for a couple of lazy Youtubers. 

    The carpet is a bright purple, and very fuzzy. Fairy lights string across the whole room, a canopy bed with lime green and purple stripes on the blankets, a small twinkly chandelier, a book shelf, a desk with her laptop on it, and a little lamp to go on the desk. A bean bag is in the corner of the room, and a bunch of trinkets are on the desk, the night stand, and in the windows. She better like this room, or I may ram my head into a brick wall repeatedly.

    "Dan, I have a surprise." Phil comes in to the living room, holding the mail. A letter is in his left hand and the rest is all crap. I widen my eyes and practically maul Phil to the ground to retrieve the letter from his hand. 

   "It's from Bailey!" I scream in excitement and rip the letter open. Phil is still squished underneath me. 

  "" He pants out. I look down at him, "Whoops." I say and then get off before vigorously pulling the letter out from Bailey. 

  "Desperate much?" Phil laughs at me. I squint my eyes at him and stick my tongue out. The letter is really long and Bailey's perfect hand writing is scribbled on the paper. It looks like she was crying while writing this? 

   Dear Dan and Phil, 

        It takes a lot of courage for me to write this to you... but I have something to tell you 
that I've been keeping from you for about four months now. I should've told you at the hospital when I found out, but I was just too scared. I hope you understand that. Please don't be mad at me, or sad, or worried or whatever it is you feel when you read this but, I'm pregnant... I really wish I told you two earlier but, I didn't and I'm sorry. So sorry. The baby is healthy, and is growing properly as the doctors say. So please don't worry because I'm fine and so is he. Yes, I think the baby is a he. I just have this weird feeling that it is...motherly instinct I guess? Lol but yeah. If it's a girl..then this would be awkward. But, yolo! Oh my gosh I didn't just say that...why me!? xD Well, I hope that lightened the mood a bit...and Dan I know what your thinking "Who the fuck got you pregnant!?" Well it was Louis...but before you go on a killing mass murdering spree, here me out. The bet kinda gave me this fate. Louis asked for sex in the bet and I gave it to him, finding no way out and to be honest, I wanted to get it over with..I was an idiot! I could've resisted but I didn't! He forgot protection and now here I am with a baby..I didn't want this but I've learned to live with it and I'm kinda excited to have this baby, yet I know it will cause even more problems, so I don't know what to do! Aggh this is so aggravating! I miss you two more than anything and I've literally gone mentally insane without you two. Even ask the boys, they think I've gone mad! I keep seeing your guys' faces everywhere I go and I ended up hugging Paul, a Mc. Donald's worker, and a random citizen when I thought it was you two! I'm such a weird, mentally unstable, freak without you two! I can't wait to come home! I love you two! See you soon <3 

                                                                                    Xx Bailey 

I have so many emotions right now that it isn't even funny. She's...pregnant? Why? Why God why do you do this to me!? Fucking Louis! I knew he was using her to get into her pants! That bet was bad news! But she did the bet for us...She misses us too. And she said she wanted to come home! She accepted our invitation to come home now! I get to see my Bail's! I crumple up the letter and shove it my pocket angrily. 

    Then my phone beeped with a new text message. '1 new message from Bail's <3' 

      I clicked read and scanned over the message. 

   'Hey...did you get my letter? I want you to know that I'm sorry and I hope your not mad.. I have good news though! Simon is buying me a plane ticket back to London and I leave from Ireland tonight! :D <3 Xx Bailey' 

     "Phil, get your keys and coat....we're going to the airport." 

 Bailey's P.O.V 

   I've been jumping up and down in the tour bus for about....four hours now before I remembered I had to text Dan and Phil that I was actually coming home by tomorrow and that I was leaving I texted them exactly that. They didn't reply but I knew they saw it. I just have that feeling, it's like a psychic connection to them. 

   "Excited much?" Niall laughs at me and I jump up and down in front of him. 

    "Yes!" I cheer and jump up and kiss his cheek before skipping through the tour bus like a mad women. I'm going home tonight! Finally going home! 

   I grab my ipod and play Daughtry's song Home. Blaring it through my headphones. 

Starin' out into the night

Tryin' to hide the pain
Going to the place where love
Feeling good don't ever cost a thing
And the pain you feel is a different kinda pain
Well I'm going home 
To the place where I belong
Where love has always been enough for me
 I'm not running from
No, I think you got me all wrong
I don't regret this life I chose for me
But these places and these faces 
Are getting old 
So I'm going home
I'm going home
The miles are getting longer it seems
the closer I get to you
I've not always been 
the best friend for you
but your love remains true
And I don't know why
you always seem to give me,
Another try 
So I'm going home
back to the place where I belong
And where your love has always 
been enough for me
I'm not running from
No, I think you got me all wrong
I don't regret this life I chose for me
But these places and these faces
are getting old, 
So I'm going home
Be careful what you wish for
'Cause you just might get it all
You just might get it all
And then some you don't want
Be careful what you wish for
'Cause you just might get it all
You might just get it all, yeah

I'm finally going home. The song describes my situation perfectly and reminds me of Dan and Phil. When I thought all my tears were gone, another slides down my face. I watch the road keep coming and going out the window, it feels like I'm miles away from Dan and Phil and it just keeps building up instead of getting closer. 

   I belong with Dan and Phil, in London. My home. The new home I haven't even seen yet. The bedroom of mine I haven't even been in. The kitchen I haven't even had coffee and tea in. The living room I haven't even played Xbox in yet. But I'm going to tomorrow, when my plane lands early in the morning tomorrow. In London. Where Dan and Phil will be waiting for me. Where I'll run into their arms and kiss their cheeks and hug them to death and never let go. Where I'll finally see my best friends again. 

   "We're almost to the airport, Freckles." Louis snaps me from my daydream. 

    I smile tiredly and excited all at once. "Yay." I half laugh before drifting into a dreamless slumber. 


        "Bailey. Bailey. Bailey, we're here." A gentle, deep voice wakes me up. I rub my eyes to see Harry in front of me. I fell asleep on the couch. 

   "We're here. At the airport. Get your stuff, your going home." He smiles. I grin before running to grab my luggage, phone, and sweatshirt. Then the cold wraps around me and the boys pile out of the bus one by one. It's 8:00 PM now and my flight is supposed to land at about 5 in the morning. I'm going to have serious jet lag. 

      Once inside the airport we go to the front desk and say our destination and show her our tickets before two security guards guide us through to the security station for checking stuff. I go through every awkward check before finally taking my stuff and heading to the bag give away. I let it go through the machine and then sit down in the waiting area with the boys until my flight is called. 

  "Want some coffee to keep you awake on your flight?" Liam asks me, getting ready to get me some. I nod and thank him before he heads to the Starbucks in the airport. Not the best coffee place in the world but it'll have to do. 

      He comes back and smiles at before handing me my coffee and bowing. "Here is your caramel mocha, Miss Davis." I laugh at his properness and thank him. Taking a sip, it's pretty good but nothing compared to what I've had before. 

   Then I notice a security's golf cart looking thing. I've always wanted to ride in one of those and it's only mere inches away from me. I look over at the boys who are all on their phones, not paying attention to what I want to do, and plan on doing. I smirk and head towards it. I hop in and notice the keys are in the ignition already. Ha! Dumb asses. 

     I turn the key and push down on the pedal, accelerating forward and swerving around people that look at me and run, getting out of the way. I feel like a rebel! 

  "HEY YOU! GIVE ME MY SECURITY CART BACK!" I look over my shoulder to see a security guy come running towards me. Shit! I press down harder on the pedal and zoom around the airport. I drive past the frozen yogurt place, Mc. Donald's, and a donut shop before whizzing around a corner when I notice more security guys are chasing me now. About four of them. I'm so dead. 

      "GET BACK HERE! STOP!" The security guys yell. I laugh and dodge a women and her little girl. She grabs the girls hand and ushers her forward so she wouldn't get hit by me. The security guys are tripping over their feet just to get to me. Idiots. 

   Then something made me halt to a stop. The boys. They were stood in front of me with stern, half amused, looks on their faces but Paul was scolding me like a father.

  Quickly, I slammed down on the pedal and accelerated past them, but they were running right on my tail. Uggh. 

    "BAILEY DAVIS GET BACK HERE!" They yelled at the top of their lungs. Then an idea sparked in my mind at last minute...hehe. 

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