Chapter Twenty: Raging in our Tears

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A/N Hey! Here's Chapter Twenty! Enjoy my unitatoes!  :D


      "Miss Davis, your pregnant." 

"W-what?" My voice is barely audible but I manage for the words to come out in a stutter. To say I was shocked would be an understatement. 

      Dan and Phil had left the room earlier to give me some privacy with the doctor, and now I'm very glad about that. The last thing they need to hear is that I'm pregnant. I don't know what they'd do if they found out about it. Dan would surely go and kill Louis without hesitation, but what would Phil and see Louis die in front of his eyes? I know I'm exaggerating but I can't help but think Dan would do that because, he would. He hates Louis with a passion. This just adds more to it. 

      "I'll give you some space to acknowledge this..." The doctor excused himself before leaving the room and the door clicked shut. 

   I'm...pregnant? But, how? That lady who told Louis and I we 'did it' in her store was clearly wacko and I wouldn't get pregnant the day after that when did this happen? And how long have I been carrying this baby? It can't be long because I haven't had any of the symptoms of getting pregnant yet. Then again...I haven't had my period in forever. I can't even remember the last time I had it. This all just doesn't make sense. ...Wait, did Louis and I use protection when he won the bet? I honestly don't remember because the whole time I was thinking 'I just want to get this over with'. How am I going to tell Louis this? 'Oh hey Louis! Yeah I know I yelled at you but I had an Xray and found out I'm pregnant with our baby!' Pssssh that'll work! Not! 

       "Bail's, are you ok?" Dan asks me. I hadn't even realized the two of them had come back in. 

   "How'd the Xray's go?" Phil asks. 

        "Yeah, I'm fine." I lie. "They went great. I don't have a fracture." I put on my best fake smile. The thought of having a child inside me is so foreign and not being able to tell Dan and Phil, my best friends, makes this even worse. But I can't tell them. Dan would be crushed and pissed at Louis and Phil would probably be disappointed in me and kill Louis with Dan. 

     "That's great, B!" Phil smiles and gives me a hug being careful to not hurt my bruised body. 

  "So, we talked to the doctor and he said you can leave tomorrow morning and start using crutches!" Dan exclaims excitedly. 

  "Great! This hospital is really uncomfortable." I laugh and they chuckle with me. I've missed my best friends more than anything. 

      "And there's one more thing..we were hoping you'd come home with us." Dan adds with a hopeful smile. 


 "I-I...I can't just leave the tour, Dan. I'm still on the bet with Louis. If I don't go on this tour with them then I have to live with Louis, remember? It was part of his deal. Also, I want to travel the world. My leg will heal up eventually." I give them a half smile and their faces drop. 

       I really want to go to my new home in London with Dan and Phil but I also want to see the world and I can't exactly go home when I'm pregnant and they don't know about it...I'd be getting fatter and fatter until I go into labor and have the baby so I guess I'm stuck with the tour. 

  "Oh...ok. Well Phil and I are leaving tomorrow if you change your mind." Dan mumbles. Phil looks just as disappointed as he does. 

     "We would've gotten a later flight but Piper and I have a special date to meet her parents and I have to be there. And we've already been here for like four days now so I think it's time to go home." Phil adds with a reassuring smile. 

   "Yeah. Tell Pi I miss her and give Charlie treats and a belly rub for me, ok? I'm sorry again guys..." I mutter and Phil nods and Dan shrugs his shoulder while rocking back and fourth on his heels with his hands shoved in his sweatshirt pocket. 

   "Will do! Charlie misses you and Piper does too! And it's ok we don't blame you for wanting to travel around the world." Phil half smiles. "And with a boy band at that." Dan adds with a wink. 

    I bitter-sweetly laugh and hug them. "I'll miss you guys so much. You two are my everything. When I get there, there better be tons of packages of Oreos for me." I smile into their shoulders. 

    "Oh don't worry there will be." Dan laughs. "And don't forget the Poptarts." He adds with another wink in my direction. The strange tingle in my stomach appears again and I melt under his action. 

  The tears threaten to pour down my face as they come out of my grip. My body becomes cold again and they kiss my cheeks before leaving me in the lonely, weird smelling, deathly hospital bed room. 



          "Bailey? Hello! Goldylocks! Wake up!" I hear a familiar rich and slow accent awake me from my dreamless slumber. What a prick. Hasn't he ever heard of 'Beauty sleep'? 

     "Can't a girl get some sleep around here?!" I groan as I see the curly haired boy right in my face. I nearly smack my forehead against his, he's that close. 

  "Sorry its have to take Louis back! He's a mess! He's been getting himself drunk every night and he almost broke all the stuff in the tour bus if the boys and I weren't there to stop him!" He boasts out and my eyes go wide. 

      "Look, Harry..I have to tell you something about see yesterday I got a Xray on my ribs and I didn't have a fracture but they did find something else..." I start and Harry's brow furrows in confusion. "Are the rest of the boys here? Because I think they need to know this too." I ask. He nods and opens the door. Niall, Liam, and Zayn all come through the door and look at my wounds with horrified, concerned faces. 

     "Guys, I need to tell you's about Louis and I. I got a Xray last night on my ribs and I didn't have a fracture but they found something else..." I start and their gazes are all staring into me with suspense. 

   "Boys...I'm pregnant." They all drop their mouths open. "With Louis' baby..." Their eyes go wide and they all gasp. Harry literally faints. 


         "Harry? Harry? I think he's waking up! Harry!" Harry's eyes shoot open and he looks around and his eyes dart to mine. Then they dart down to my stomach. 

      " There's a baby in there?" Are his first words as he points at my stomach. I nod in amusement. 

    This whole thing frightens me too but the way Harry said it made me laugh. Now that the boys know...I just have to tell Louis. Dear Lord this is not going to go well. 

   "Have you told Louis yet?" Liam questions raising an eyebrow. I shake my head and they widen their eyes more. 

  "I told him to leave when I found out he was in a pub while I was in a hospital...I haven't talked to him since and now I'm afraid he'll get even more angry if he finds out about this but I have to tell him's his baby. Well, our baby..." The words are foreign on my tongue and it feels strange to say. The boys nod their heads in understanding and we all sit in the hospital room in silence. 

      "Are you getting out of the hospital this morning?" Niall breaks the silence with a question aimed towards me. I nod my head and remember I can leave anytime and get my crutches and get the hell out of this prison. 

   "Yeah, I can leave anytime. Will you guys get me crutches from the doctor and help me check out and help me get in the tour bus?" I ask them, just now realizing how much help I'll need from them. I can already feel that these next few months are going to be miserable. I have a broken leg, a mild concussion and, I'm pregnant. What more could a girl want? Also to make matters worse I have to spend that time in a cramped up tour bus. Well, it's not really cramped up, it's actually really spacey but still. I'd much rather sleep in my own bed then in a bunk. Wait, my bunks on the top..where the hell am I going to sleep? 

       Harry goes to the doctor to get crutches while Liam goes to the front and signs me out while Niall and Zayn keep me company. 

   "Are you nervous about what Louis is going to say when you tell him your pregnant?" Zayn asks to start conversation. I nod, biting my lip. I'm really nervous. About what he'll say, about what he'll do, about everything! What are we going to even do with a baby? Am I really going to have to be a parent and live with Louis anyways so we can raise a child? Or are we going to give it up? No, we can't give it up. It's a child and it's mine I'm not just going to give it away like its money. Maybe one of us will have to take custody over it? I don't know but whatever we do I can't let Dan and Phil know and I can't give it up either. 

      "Yeah. I'm really nervous actually. I'm petrified. What if he doesn't want a baby? How am I going to raise a child on my own? What will Dan and Phil think if I bring a baby home with me when this tour is over!?" I begin to panic and tears are pouring down my face. Zayn and Niall come over to me and rub my back while whispering that everything will be ok. 

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