Chapter Twenty Six: Presents

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A/N :D Update time! Sorry this is a short chapter but it's an important one so enjoy! 

 Bailey's P.O.V 

The next morning, I had woken up in Dan and Phil's arms. Blankets after blankets covered the three of us on the couch, I was warm and toasty, and never felt more comfortable in my life. It was like a...welcoming feeling. I loved it. My head was rested on Dan's shoulder, my feet intertwined with Phil's. We were a blankety, warm mess. 

    "Boys, wake up." I groggily spoke up and Dan mumbled what sounded like a 'No.' and Phil was a dead man, not moving a muscle, and peacefully laying with his head leaned onto my head. 

  I sighed before grabbing the remote off of Dan's lap and flicked on the T.V to a cooking channel that we always watched while they tried to make breakfast. A flashback from before I left to go on tour came to mind. 

    "I can't cook worth shit!" Dan yells, slamming the egg pan down on the stove. Phil comes over to him in only a onesie Pikachu outfit, gently cracking a few eggs into the pan, showing him how to do it. Dan sighs, running a hand through his messy, straightened, brown, Hobbit hair. 

  "You two need a girls' cooking skills." I laugh and show them my 'amazing' cooking skills but my 'skills' turned out to almost burn the house down. The smoke alarm went off and kept beeping in our damn ears while Dan tried to beat the damn thing with his spatula. Very classy, Dan. 

      "What kind of bloody cooking skills were that!?" Dan yells in my face after smashing the smoke detector. Well, so much for that. At least it stopped beeping...

   "My kind." I smirked and took my spatula and smacked his ass with it. He rolled his eyes and Phil smirked at Dan's blush. 

Yeah, those were the good times I missed so dearly. I loved those moments. It's always the little things you can really enjoy in life. When something big happens, it's a turning point in your life but what I've heard, it's not the big things you remember. It's the little things that matter most to you. The little things in life that make everything better. 

   I plan to have those moments today. 

      "Want some coffee, Phil?" I ask. He shuffles on the couch at the mention of coffee before groggily nodding his head, and rubbing his eyes before opening up the breath taking blueness. "Dan, tea and Maltesers?" I ask. Dan nods but doesn't open his eyes. I laugh before getting off my lazy ass and heading into the kitchen. Well, at least I though I was. But, instead, I RAMMED INTO THE DAMN GLASS DOOR! 

    "I thought this glass door was cool yesterday, but now it's just damn annoying!" I yell so they can hear. Their chuckles are heard from the living room and shortly after, Phil comes in with the clothes on that he was wearing yesterday. I look down at my own clothes that I was still wearing from yesterday as well, my jeans and the llama shirt Dan bought me when the three of us went shopping before I went on tour. Before I went on tour. That's all I ever say nowadays. 

   "Good morning, B." Phil smiles and grabs the mug of coffee I made for him. He raises it to his lips and takes a sip before adding, "It's so weird saying that...a good weird, but still weird. I'm going to have to get used to having you around again. One things for sure; Dan won't be a sobbing mess with no life anymore." Phil chuckles. I can't help but laugh at that because it's true. Dan said he isn't complete without me, and I can practically picture him crying because I'm not there to understand the cooking show inside jokes. 

      "It really is good to be home. I missed you two more than you can possibly imagine." I say looking out the window in the kitchen and bringing the coffee to my lips. The taste of Phil's coffee he always buys from Tesco is an amazing feeling. We always drink coffee in the mornings together and have deep talks like this. 

   "We couldn't function properly without you." Phil blurts. I grin madly, thinking the same thing vice versa for me. It's funny when people feel the exact same thing as you feel. 

   If I had a dime for every time I saw Dan and Phil's faces, or every time I said their name instead of the boys' names, or for how many times I cried myself to sleep thinking about them, well, let's just say I'd be rich. 

     "Neither could I.." I mutter and Dan sleepily stumbles into the kitchen, rubbing at his eyes. 

  "Good morning, sunshine." He smirks at the joke he just made. Good Morning Sunshine...I hadn't listened to that song since I left. I just couldn't. It wasn't the same without hearing Dan and Phil sing it with me from outside the bathroom door when I sang it in the shower. Plus, the boys wouldn't even know who Alex Day is. Sadness. 

      "Morning, Hobbit hair." I smirk back and his hand flies to his hair. 

  "Shit! I need to straighten it!" He panics and runs to the bathroom. Oh, Dan, and your obsession over your hair. I roll my eyes and grab my favorite cereal of all time from the cupboard. Phil grabs his favorite cereal, he even marked it as his, and we both poured it into bowls and filling them up ith milk, jabbing spoonfuls in our mouths. You could say this little family was pigs. 

   "Fo you dow vat we're shoing shoday?" Phil asks with a mouthful of cereal. I roll my eyes but know what he said anyways. It was 'Do you know what we're doing today?' 

      "Nope. I'm hoping a lazy day with you guys, though. 'Cause I wanna whip your asses at Mario Kart! Again! For the 50th time!" I gloat and do my victory hand/sexy end screen dance. It's where I combine Dan's sexy end screen dance (rocking my hips side to side slowly) while doing Phil's signature hand dance together. Phil chuckles and I hear Dan shout, "I'll fucking whip your sassy arse this time, Bail's!" from where he's at in the bathroom. Phil and I burst out laughing at Dan's comment, because we all know I'm going to win. Idiot. 

   Yeah, it's these little things I enjoy in life.


             "Shit! Damn it, Bailey! You pushed me off the side...again!" Dan wails out in frustration and slams his Wii remote down onto the coffee table and crosses his arms while he watches me cross Koopa Cape's finish line in first place. I love pushing Dan into the waterfall thing before the finish line. 

        "OH! BAM! What now, sucka!" I cheer and do my victory dance. Phil laughs at us from where he is in the kitchen doing his YouNow livestream. I put my Wii remote down gently unlike Dan, and walk into the kitchen, but this time I didn't hit my face against a damn glass door.

   Phil smiles at me when I enter. "Hey, B, why don't you say hi to the fans." He suggests. I motion towards my stomach and his eyes widen in realization at why I can't be shown to the world at the moment. 

     "Sorry guys, B is going to take a shower." Phil lies quickly for me and I smile gratefully. Then I really do go into the bathroom to take a shower and Phil goes back to his livestream. 

          As the water pours over me, I think about all the things I need to do. There's a lot. First, I need to tell all my fans, all Directioners, and all Phillions and Danosaurs what my secret is, which, is not going to be easy. After that, I need to set things straight with my friends. Dan and Phil only know a little bit of my pregnancy story and I think they deserve to know all of it. 

    As I step out of the shower, I realize how much the fans are going to hate me for this but I couldn't help it, it was practically a mistake and if I give it up for adoption they'd probably hate me more. I don't know what to do... 

   I sigh and have never felt more stressed in my life. I get changed into a Pokemon t-shirt, a pair of slightly ripped skinny jeans, and a grey knitted beanie rests on my head and my wet hair is put into a braid off of one shoulder. 

     Opening the door to the bathroom, I go to my room and turn on my laptop. Then I realize what my room looks like. I instantly squeal at the sight of it. I have a Tumblr looking room. Twinkling fairy lights are strung across the ceiling and my bed, a London telephone booth poster is on the wall along with a bunch of my favorite band posters, a bean bag is in the corner of the room, a T.V in front of my canopy bed, a book shelf, a chandelier hanging from the ceiling, different jewelry, perfumes, and lotions from Bath&Body Works is sitting on my vanity with a mirror in front of it. On my drawer is little gamer plush toys and two presents...the same ones Dan and Phil were holding at the airport that they never gave to me. We got caught up in the moment that we totally forgot about them. 

    I go to the presents and see little note cards with them. I take the lime green present first and rip open the envelope. It's from Dan. 

  'I missed you! Xx Here's a homecoming gift. Love you -  Xx Dan' I untie the ribbon and rip open the the lime green wrapping paper to reveal a small box. A velvet small box. 

    My hands twitch at it and I quickly go to Phil's gift before I can open it. I untie the purple gift from him and read the note card that came with his. 

  'I missed you too as much as Dan! Here's my homecoming gift! It's probably way little compared to Dan's but it's still special and I hope you cherish it. - Xx Phil' 

   Now I'm even more curious as to what's in the velvet box from Dan...but I open up Phil's anyways. I unwrap the purple wrapping paper and reveal another box. But, this one is cardboard and a little bigger than Dan's. I open it up carefully and look inside to see a folded up piece of cloth. I take out the cloth that has something small wrapped inside it and unfold the cloth in my palm. In my hand is a chain-link necklace with a tiny coffee cup charm at the bottom. Adorable. 

   I smile and a small tear escapes my eye at his gift. Of coarse I'll cherish it. This is what I'm talking about, I don't care about the big sparkly, diamond stuff. I care about the small things people remember. The little memories. The small things you look back at and smile. This necklace represents that. It's the small thing. The small memory of Phil and I drinking coffee together in the mornings.

     I hold the necklace in my hand like I'm holding it with my life and I kiss the charm before setting it down on my drawer. Then I go to Dan's velvet box with hesitation. I pop it open and literally gasp in disbelief. 

  Then the box drops to the floor from my shock. 



Sorry this was so short and sorry I left you with a cliffhanger...again. Lol I like doing that because it leaves suspense. But OH MY LLAMAS WHAT DID YOU THINK OF THAT!? 

Question of the day: What do you think was in the box?

  How was all your guys' Thanksgivings!? Did ya have a good Turkey Day! xD I did. It was hilarious! I have new "Uncle" Uncle Ben! Lol he's hilarious! And I got to see my cousin Karrie too! <3 Anyways! Have a good weekend and I'll see you next Friday! :D Also HAPPY HORRENDOUS BLACK FRIDAY! MAY ALL YOUR SHOPPING BE HELL BOUND! :D 

Is it just me or did this Friday come faster than others...? O.o 






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