Chapter Seventeen: The Hangover

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A/N Ayyyyyyyyyyyye!!!! xD Sup my unitatoes!? You read about the Larily Stydavson club randomings and now you shall read about THE HANGOVER! *dUN DUN DUUUUUNNN!* ENJOY! C: Sorry it's short and that I didn't update when I was supposed to...Yeaaah. Don't blame me I've been into this AMAZING fanfic called After! It's a trilogy and right now I'm on the 2nd book and OMB OMB OMB I GET SO MANY FEELS FROM IT! GAHHH ASDFGHJKL!

          My head rolled over onto a firm...thing. It felt like skin and bone. My eyes groggily opened to find my leg on Harry's chest and my head in Louis' stomach. That's not the only weird part though, the weird part is that.. Louis and I were just in our under garments. I sprang my head up from Louis' stomach just to find my head aching. How much did I drink last night? 

     "Louis...Harry... wake up!" I yelled still half asleep and chucking pillows at their faces. They groaned at me and Harry slowly opened his eyes. Louis, however, was face first into the pillow I threw at him. We were all on one bed and all had head aches. I don't remember half of what we did last night. 

    "What happened last night? All I remember is standing on top of a table and twerking with Lou. Then we went in the crowd and the rest is a blur." Harry asked me rubbing his temples. 

   "I remember recording random shit you guys were doing that I want to show you guys but then after the three of us got back to the hotel I remember playing 'Never Have I Ever' and the rest is a blur. 

    "Maybe the boys know?" Louis suggested in a mumbling voice in his pillow. 

       "Maybe. I doubt it, though." 

    "Why does my arm have a new tattoo on it? And why am I just in boxers?" Louis gaped at himself in confusion. 

   "That's what we're trying to figure out." I say looking at his Calvin Klein boxer briefs that are grey and my eyes slowly travelled up his abs. I'm not a creeper ok?! 

    "Eyes up here, Bailey." Louis smirked pointing his fingers at his eyes. I rolled my eyes at him while Harry stifled a laugh. 

  "You two have so much sexual tension that it's hilarious! Why not just bang each other and be done with it?" Harry blurted out. I gasped which made the two of them smirk in amusement. Louis winked at me which made me want to gag but my stomach didn't churn it made a weird feeling inside it like it was jumping up and down or on a roller coaster or something. 

        "Sounds good to me." Louis retorted with lust in his eyes, he was grinning at me madly. 

   " Not going to happen." I say trying to sound disgusted but it came out like a stutter. 

     "Chill, Bailey. We're only teasing." Harry assures me. I take in a sharp breath of air in relief and sigh. 

  "Well...I'm going to go ask the boys if they know what happened last night..." I trail off heading for the door. Louis' arm grabs mine and he yanks me back. I turn to face him in shock, my mouth agape. 

      "No, your not. Your staying here. The boys can't know we got drunk last night because then we will get in trouble from Paul and Simon." Louis says strictly. 

  "Oh..sorry." I mumble. 

     "Yeah. You don't speak a word to them about it, you hear me?" He orders me. I nod. 

  "Don't nod. Answer me." He demands, his knuckles turning white from clenching them at his sides. 

       "Yes! I understand!" I shout at him getting frustrated and annoyed with him. 

     "Don't yell at me!" Louis shouts back. 

        "Quit bossing me around then! Your such a prick!" He glares at me and rubs his temples. His hangover must have kicked in. 

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