Chapter Twenty One: Symptoms

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Whoop Whoop! It's Friday! Here's the new chapter! This chapter is a little different because it is a month later in the story! So hope you enjoy! :) Oh and I hate to be this kinda person but...I need more reads, votes, and comments so if you guys can get this 10 votes, and 10 comments then I'll update early next week!  Ok nooow you can enjoy! :P

  *One Month Later*

  "Uhhhhhhh! Louuuiiisss!" I groaned out breaking apart the 'Lou' and 'is' syllables in Louis' name while I yelled. 

       "Yes, Bailey!?" Louis appeared right by my side in a rushed panic. 

   "Get me some damn chocolate! And tell Niall to dye his hair back to brown! Can you imagine how cute he'd be with brown hair? His natural brown color suits him, ya know? Oh and you all would be brunettes if he did that!" I demanded and rambled on about Niall while giggling. These past few weeks I've been nothing but messed up. My emotions were hanging off a cliff. My hormones were hanging upside down and my brain was fucked up. I craved different stuff on different days, I demanded the weirdest shit to happen for my entertainment, I'd be giddy one day and then the next I'd be breaking down in tears or cussing out Louis for being the one who was the cause of my fucked up-ness. 

        "Ok, anything for you, Freckles!" Louis gave me a hesitant smile to see if he said the right thing. I smiled back which made him sigh in relief. You see, Louis has been scared of me because of my fucked up-ness and so he's scared what I'll say or do to him if he does the wrong thing, which, is very wise of Louis to be scared or else he would be screwed. 

     "I heard yelling! What's going on!?" Harry burst through the door to the bunk bed room. I was laying in Louis' bottom bunk with Niall's laptop sitting on the small bump that formed on my stomach. 

    "Nothing's wrong? I was just demanding that Louis gets me chocolate and Niall dyes his hair back to brown." I told Harry like it wasn't a big deal. He scrunched his eyebrows together, giving me a funny look but didn't question it. 

   "Um, ok? She's fine Liam! She was just demanding chocolate and that Niall should dye his hair back to brown!" Harry called back to Liam, closing the bunk bed room's door, and heading back to the living room. 

      I scrolled through each of the boys' Twitter accounts and replied to some lucky fans who thought it was actually the boys and not a pregnant Bailey that was on tour with them. I knew all of their passwords, which honestly, weren't that hard to figure out. After that I checked my Twitter. 

   '@bailey_the_brilliant We miss you so much! Hope your having a brilliant time on tour with the boys! Xx' I smiled at the tweet from Phil and saw there was another one to me from Dan, Jack, Finn, and Charlie. 

     '@bailey_the_brilliant We miss you so much! Hope your having fun with the boys...but not too much fun! Xx' I laughed at Dan's tweet to me. 

    '@bailey_the_brilliant Are you dead!? Finn and I haven't heard from you in ages! Text me, love!' Jack tweeted to me. I quickly took out my phone and texted him. 

  To: Jacky :P 

 'No I'm not dead! I'm on tour! Lol tell Finn I'm going to kick his ass at Mario Cart when I go home to my new home in London.' 

     I sent the message and looked at the tweets from Finn and Charlie. 

  '@bailey_the_brilliant Your going down in Mario Cart! Mwahaha >:D' Finn's tweet made me chuckle and scoff. Bitch please, you couldn't beat me even my hands were tied behind my back while playing. 

       '@bailey_the_brilliant Hey! It's Charlie! I was wondering if you would like to meet up for some tea at my place sometime? You can bring Dan and Phil too and we can have a Doctor Who marathon!' I smiled at Charlie's tweet and replied saying I would love to when I come back from the tour. 

     Then it hit me...I was homesick. 

      I wanted to see Dan and Phil so badly, I wanted to have a Doctor Who marathon with Dan, Phil, and Charlie while stuffing my face with food, I wanted to jump around in my new bedroom in the new apartment, and I wanted to see Charlie and live my life with Dan and Phil. I never wanted this to happen, getting pregnant was just too much to handle. I had to find a way out of this. I thought I'd go on this tour, sort some things out with Louis and then travel the world and go home...I never expected this. 

      "Hey babe, do you want something to eat other than chocolate?" Louis asked coming in with some Dove chocolate and a small smile on his face. I nod my head anxiously. 

   "How about some chicken nuggets from Mc. Donald's? I think we're stopping there soon." He suggests and I smile in agreement.

        "Wait...Lou?" I ask. He turns back around, hunching a eyebrow. 

   "Where are we?" I ask. 

       "About two hours outside of L.A." He responds. "Our show is tonight." 

    Oh shit... I forgot that Dan and Phil are coming to meet Cat and visit me too while I'm in L.A tonight! Crap! Crap! They're going to see my small bump! What am I going to do!? Calm your tits,'ll work out! You can tell them that you just got too fat from eating Oreo's. They'll understand! 'Or you could tell them the truth!' My subconscious reminds me and I ignore her. Maybe I could just cancel the plans on them and say I have to be at the boys' show tonight...or that I'm not feeling good! Oh I don't know! I'll think of something.. 

          "Bailey?" Louis snaps me out of my panic attack. I jerk my head up. "You coming? We're here." 

     "Lets go get us some chicken nuggets!" Niall protests in his goofy voice that sounds kinda like an announcer. 

     I start to laugh and trail behind the boys, putting my hand on the small of my back to keep balance while I walk. My stomach is getting fatter and heavier, so I have to start holding it like that. 

     After five billion hours of me walking like a fat ass snail, I  finally reach the door to the tour bus and start to hold the rail while I walk down the tiny stairs. 

    "Oh for pete sake! Let me." Louis rushes over and picks me up and carries me down the stairs. The familiar sign with a giant 'M' stands tall in front of me as we walk up to the doors. Once we get inside the sound of beeping machines, the smell of french fries, and workers shouting orders fills the room. Gotta love Maccy D's. 

       "10 piece chicken Mc. nugget meal, please." Louis orders for me. Niall orders the same thing as me and the boys order whatever the hell it is they got that I didn't bother to pay attention to. We find a booth towards the back so less people will see us and start to devour our food. 

    "Excuse me, I don't me to interrupt or anything but um...I kinda like love you guys and I was wondering if I could get an autograph and picture..' A girl around the age of 13 walks up to our table. She motions to all of us. Even me. When did I get famous besides Youtube? 

    "Sure, love!" The boys say in unison. They all crowd around her while I stay in the booth and sip my Dr. Pepper. 

  "Will you please be in this picture too?" The girl asks me with hopeful eyes. I give her a confused look but nod. 

       "Say cheese!" She smiles big and points the camera to all seven of us. Then snaps the picture on her iPhone. 

   "Thank you so much! And...I hope I'm right or else this would be awkward but...are you pregnant?" She asks me. I nod my head. Then she does the unexpected...squeals. 

      "Whose baby is it!?! Oh my gosh! I'm so happy for you! Which boy are you dating!?" She starts to fangirl and I can't blame her, I know what it's like. 

   "It's''s Louis'...but we're not necessarily dating..." I say awkwardly and Louis comes over. 

   "We are but we don't want anyone to know so please don't tell anyone about the pregnancy. Not even your Directioner friends and especially now tweets or posts about it, ok love? Please for our sake." Louis explains and the girl sincerely nods her head in understanding. I sigh in relief. This girl looks trustworthy so I'm not too worried about this. 

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