Chapter Thirteen: The Decision

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 A/N Heyyyyyyyyyyyyoooo! Lol You guys got pumped up on the last chapter well here ya go its decision day! Geez you fangirls and stuff out there are furiously anxious demanding people.. Ok I am too.. Haha xD ENJOY! (OMB IM AT 1,000+!!!) 



          "Hold the truck up! I said I was going to go on tour.. and now you two want me to move in with you in London! Woah.. so I don't have to leave? Monday is when the tour starts when were you planning on moving to London?" I was trying to sort out all the information. 

     "Well we were going to pack up and be out of here by Friday because our radio show is on Sundays and thats when our first show is happening." Dan told me. I tried to reason this out, maybe we could work this out where I could do both?

   "Ok well what if I go on tour with the boys and then after the tour is over I move in with you guys?' I asked. That sounded good to me. I mean I'm only gone for eight months.. wow that's actually a really long time. But, it could work, right?

       "I guess... So while your gone do you want us to take care of Charlie for you and set up your stuff in our new flat?" Phil asked. I nodded appreciatively.                

   "Wait so your agreeing that I can go on tour with them!?" I got my hopes up. Dan sighed. 

     "I guess... But wait if he won then that means... your his girlfriend now?" Dan mumbled fiddling with his fingers. 

  "Yeah. But its on temporarily. For the time being I'm with him on the tour." 

     "Oh! Cool! Umm Bail's?" Dan looked over to me with pleading eyes. 


     "Can I talk to you in private really quickly?" He questioned. I nodded with confusion on my face. We went into his room whilst Phil got himself a cup of coffee. 

   "What do you want to talk about?" 

     "Louis.." He said with a sad and angry expression all at once. "Your not um your not in love with him are you? Or do you like him at all? Cause if you do that's fine but I was just wondering because uh.." He paused. 

   "Dan, I don't love him. He's just a friend now, ok? I do sort of like him now though to a certain degree..." I stopped him before he could say anymore. To be frank, he looked butt hurt. Like I just dropped a piano on Phil and Chris and PJ and they all died on him kind of hurt. Yeah. 

   "But, I thought you hated him..?" His face was full of sorrow. It was killing me I wanted his pain to go away so I could see his happy, goofy smile. 

   "Do you want the full story of what happened?" I asked him. He nodded hesitantly. "Ok well I went out to dinner with the boys and Simon. Simon brought up my parents in the conversation we were having and I told him they abandoned me. After we finished everything I ran out of the restaurant and the tears came. It was raining so I went to the nearest phone booth for shelter. I cried and cried because every emotion I was holding in came out. I realized that I'd be leaving you two, the ones who loved me and I loved them. I realized that I would go back to having no friends or family and I'd be miserable. That's when Louis came. He made me laugh to stop my tears from falling and we kissed, resulting in me losing the challenge. After that he told me about the bet arrangments for the tour instead of the moving in and never seeing you two again. Which made me so happy because I love you and Phil with all my heart. So I agreed to it. Umm and I-I sorta of um mayormaynothavelostmyvirginitylastnightbecauseofthebet." I blabbered the last part because I didn't want Dan to get mad. But, by his expression he knew what I said. Well, crap. 

      "Are you serious!? I'll kill him!!" Dan raged, his fists clenching and his face red. "I'm fed up with this Louis! He is seriously pissing me off! First he annoys you then he makes a bet with you and now he freaking had sex with you! Who does that!? I'm going to make him wish he never lived!" Dan grumbled grabbing a sweatshirt and shrugging it on. He stormed out of the room and was headed out the door. 

    "Dan wait! Stop! You can't do this!" I screamed for him to stop but Phil held me back. 

      "Its for your own good, Bailey." He gave me a look of sympathy but sided with Dan. I'm guessing he listened to our whole conversation. Phil locked the front door while I sat on the couch just staring at the T.V wishing I never told Dan about what Louis did.

    Dan's P.O.V  

       I've had it with Louis! He can't just walk in like a douche and annoy my Bailey and then freaking have sex with her and force her to be his girlfriend because of a stupid bet! That prick. He's going to pay. And he's going to pay hard! I've been waiting to smash in Louis' face and now's my chance. 

  I was storming down the pavement, hands clenched in my jean pockets and one goal that I was determined to do. Make Louis feel the pain he gave to Bailey. He didn't deserve to even live but I can't kill him because it would draw a lot of attention to media and they'd kill me because I murdered a international pop star in a boy band. Pleh. 

    Louis' car was a black Camero with the license plate 'Sassmasta' so it'd be kind of hard to miss his car. Once I walked about 5 blocks I spotted him sitting at a breakfast place, sipping tea and texting someone. This must be the place that Bailey and him went for breakfast to. This pissed me off more so I went inside the restaurant and went over to Louis' table very sneakily. Once I was right behind him I gripped the back of his shirt collar like a python attacking his prey. I dragged him by his shirt collar out of the restaurant and luckily no one saw us. Then I dragged him to an alley behind the restaurant and threw him in the dirt. 

       "Listen up, pretty boy. I've had it with you! You are a prick to my Bailey! Now I'm going to make you feel what you did to her!" My eyes glared down at him in disgust. His eyes were wide and he looked terrified. 

     "What are you talking about!? I never hurt Bailey! I love Bailey!" 

   "Oh bullshit! That's complete rubbish! You disgust me!" Louis crawled further back, trying to get away from me. Good. He was frightened and I was loving every bit of it! 

        Once he was right beneath me, I grabbed the front of his shirt and clenched it in my fist. Once he was right in my target I punched him. Hard. He looked back at me in complete shock which made me punch him again. I didn't want to see his face. With all the will power in me I punched and punched him until his face was bruised and his nose was bleeding out. I knew Phil wouldn't ever hurt a fly so I decided to leave the dirty work to myself. Normally, I'm as intimidating at a pink butterfly stuck to a marshmallow but, with Louis there was no mercy I was going to spare him.

   I threw him in the dirt again and kick him as hard as I could which made him wince in pain, clutching his ribcage where my shoe connected with his bones. He deserved this. He deserved this so much I didn't care if he died or got seriously injured. He pushed it too far.

      "Stop..please..I'm sorry about, Freckles! I..didn' hurt her..if I did.." He pleaded in pain. His words were gaped out in between winces.

    "No. I've lost all my respect for you. You pushed it too far! I love Bailey! She means my whole world and if you ever try to do anything with her again, I will make sure you die. And feel it. Hell, I'll even watch you suffer right before my eyes! She's amazing and you crushed her by being a twat! So go die in a hole. She may have kissed you in that God forsaken phone booth but that was just a hurting Bailey because in reality if anyone was there for her in that phone booth when she was crying she would've kissed them too!" I raged out. Louis looked taken aback by my words. I squatted down to face him as he lay in the dirt of the alley. 

   "Fuck you." I spat at him with a scowl on my face. 

      "Bailey is important to me too! That's why I annoyed her because I liked her.. I'm sorry ok!" He blurted out in protest. My scowl turned into an all out glare. 

   "Important to you? She's important to me, not you. If you ever take my Bailey again, I will murder you. I swear. I won't even hesitate to do it. Leave her alone." With that I kicked him one last time in the gut and picked him up and threw him back, his back hitting the brick wall behind him. 

  Phil's P.O.V 

     Bailey looked miserable. Her face was pale as she stared ahead into space. Her eyes completely locked forward. She seemed like a robot. I tried to get her something but, she refused it everytime and just cradled her legs into her arms. It's been two hours since Dan left and I was starting to get worried that he killed Louis or got in trouble by the police. I'm not sure what was on Bailey's mind but, she looked worried too. I don't know if it was for Louis' safety or for Dan to not get caught but either one had her upset. 

     "Do you think," Bailey whispered in a small, sqeaky voice. "That Dan killed him..?" She turned to actually look at me for the first time and a tear fell from her beautiful green eyes. I shook my head. 

  "No, Dan would never do that. You know that. Are you worried about them?" I asked raising my eyebrow. 

     "Yeah.. Dan and Louis both mean a lot to me. I really wished that Dan wouldn't hurt him but, I can't stop him from it. He's already been gone. I love you and Dan with all my heart and Louis I just started to like a little and I'm gonna have to put up with him for eight months anyways... I can't wait to live with you two though after the tour." She gave me a small smile. Her light brown hair was waving down her shoulder and her green eyes were watering, some tears trickling past her freckles. She was an amazing, beautiful girl. She was my best friend along with Dan. Dan really fancied her and I couldn't blame him. I love Bailey in a sisterly way, though. 

     "Yeah. I can't wait either. BBC Radio 1 will be a lot of fun too. It sounds really cool! You and Dan living with me should be interesting. We'll have some pretty cool stories to tell our kids when were married to people. We should make a book called 'The wacky tales of Bailey, Dan and Phil'." I smiled at her and my idea. She giggled and her faded dimples showed through. 

  "That would be one hell of a book!" Her eyes widened as she said it. I laughed and crossed my eyes. 

      "Yes it would." 

  My phone buzzed in my pocket with a new message from Dan. It read: 'Phil, make sure Bailey is asleep when I come home, I don't think she wants to see what I look like. I'll be there in half an hour.' 

   Oh no. 

Bailey's P.O.V 

      Louis and Dan have been gone for about 2 hours now and I've really started to worry about them, for Dan that he doesn't get in trouble and hurt Louis too bad, and for Louis who I hope doesn't get hurt severely. Phil and I were just sat there on the couch, waiting. Waiting for someone to walk through the door in anticipation.  

   Phil was doing something on his phone, probably Angry Birds. I should do that too.. or text another Youtuber. I decided to text Piper though instead. 

   'Hey Pip! It's Bailey! Sooo have you talked to Phil yet?' I sent the message right as Phil looked up at me as if he knew I was up to something. 

      "Ummm B? Would you mind going to bed earlier? I mean its late and Dan probably wont be home until later. You also have to pack for the tour and stuff so you should get some rest." He suggested in an awkward tone. Almost as if he was hiding something from me? 

   "Uh..sure? I'll be in Dan's room then?" My eyebrows scrunched together in confusion as I slowly walked away, down the hall, and to Dan's room. I plopped onto his bed, grabbing his Mac book and checking my Facebook and Twitter. The boys had posted on Twitter about the tour. They didn't mention anything about me going on tour with them, which, I'm very happy about. The last thing I want is to get a ton of hate from obsessive fan girl's. 

      After awhile of me on the internet I heard some talking in the living room. Someone's here. The voices were muffled but I could just make out their accents. It was defiantly Dan. I didn't want to interrupt them so I snuck my head outside the door and listened in on the conversation. 

   "No he scrambled to his feet and ran when I was finished with him. The prick claimed he loved Bailey!" Dan's voice came. 

       "Well maybe he does? You've seen how he flirts around Bailey.." Phil put in. 

  "That's what players do, though! I don't want Bailey to be with him..especially when I love Bailey.. she means everything to me. I-I just don't want her to get hurt, you know?" Dan said. 

  "Neither do I. But, there's nothing we can do about it, Bailey made her choice. She's going on tour wether we like it or not. It was Louis' option. It's either she goes on tour with him for eight months as his girlfriend or live with him as his girlfriend. This way it's temporary and we'll get to live with Bailey, not Louis." Phil reasoned. I could hear Dan's sigh. 

      "Yeah, your right." He dragged out in defeat. "I'm going to go to bed. Night Phil." 


   Crap! Dan's coming! Quickly, I rushed back to Dan's bed and shut his Mac book and pulled the blanket over me, closing my eyes pretending to sleep. The door slowly creaked open. I didn't open my eyes but I could hear him opening up his drawer. 

      Peeking my eyes over the cover, I could see Dan taking his shirt off. His skin wasn't it's natural tan anymore it was pierced with sratches down his back, blood stains smeared across. He had a couple bruises as well. When he turned around I closed my eyes and he pulled on a clean shirt, throwing the dirty one in the laundry hamper. I felt the bed dip down and Dan's warmth heated onto my skin, comforting me. 

   "I love you, Bail's. Sweet dreams." 



So uh sorry its short its just the decision so um yeah. Enjoy it though! Love ya unitatoes!!!I have sooo many views and votes and followers now that it was hard to breathe at one point soo thank youuu!!!!!! <3 Keep sharing the story with friends and spread the word of my story so yeah thanks!!!! 

  Questions of the day: Whats a Youtuber or band you would like to see in my story?? And also who's a Lailey shipper who's a Dailey shipper who's a Phailey shipper and who's a Phiper shipper?? 







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