Chapter Eighteen

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Final Chapter!



"Welcome to San Diego, we hope you've had a pleasant journey and will fly with us again in the future."

I take my time getting my bag from the overhead locker and allow people to get off the plane before me. I was trying to delay the inevitable because I didn't know what or who I would find waiting for me in the terminal. I'd built up in my heart that Mike would be there, but in my mind, I knew there was a bigger chance of him choosing his brother and band over me. Some suicidal girl he saved on a bridge.

The tour was amazing, even if I did sulk for the first couple of days. The rest of my YouTube friends were very supportive and offered me advice on my unique situation resulting in me cheering up and actually being able to enjoy the fact we were in a different city every other day. The fans were the best, though, super supportive and friendly no matter where we went. I had so many gifts from meet and greets, as did the others that I had to get them shipped to my apartment because I couldn't bring them all on the plane with me.

I walked through customs with a breeze and found myself staring at the baggage carousel waiting for my suitcase to come. Pulling my phone out of my pocket I saw no new messages or missed calls while my phone was off during the flight. I'd found out from a frantic Tony that Vic had drugged Mike the night of the party and Mike had a bad reaction and was taken to hospital but was recovering nicely. I couldn't believe the lengths Vic went to try and break me and Mike up. Then again I was speaking as if Mike and I were still together when I didn't even know what we were anymore. The only people I'd spoken to were Tony and Jaime, and this past week they'd been distance and weren't returning my messages.

My suitcase eventually comes around and I drag it off the carousel, why was it that your bag always felt heavier when you came back? I swear I didn't pack that much, but the suitcase felt like it had put on some weight during the flight. I must have looked quite pathetic to everyone around me, a weak girl who couldn't handle her own luggage. At least there was no one with a camera.

The airport was full of people, happy people reuniting with families or loved ones. I wanted to throw up at the sheer amount of smiles and 'I love you' I had the displeasure of overhearing. If I was happy then I'd be okay with the amounts of hugs and kisses going on around me, but I was freaking nervous and not feeling optimistic about finding Mike waiting for me with open arms.

I sit down on a chair and wait until the crowds start to thin out so I can see if I can locate Mike. But when I didn't see my tall giraffe anywhere in sight my heart sunk in my chest, he wasn't coming to meet me. He'd made his choice and I wasn't it. No doubt he'd gone back to Alysha and I wouldn't blame him.

Bringing up my phone conversation with Tyler I decide to break the bad news to him.

Kate (To Tyler): He isn't here Ty; I don't know why I got my hopes up

Tyler replies immediately.

Tyler: I'm so sorry Kate. In my heart, I really thought he'd show up. But maybe it's not meant to be and it's better to find out now rather than later...

Kate: I really thought he loved me Ty...this is why I don't date!

Tyler: Love is a strange thing Kate, it works in mysterious ways. You should go back to yours, get some rest and maybe think of coming to visit me and Troye. I'm pretty sure two gays can find you the perfect man x

"I had the perfect man, or at least I thought I did."

Sliding my phone back into my pocket I gather my bag and suitcase and decide to get a taxi back to my apartment. I was looking forward to a nice hot bath and sleeping in my own bed again, don't get me wrong touring was amazing but the bus bunks are a lot smaller than people think. How the hell in fanfictions two people manage to have sex in them I'll never know, I barely fit and I'm tiny.

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