Chapter Fifteen

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Which brother will less likely hurt you in the future?

Mike: Has been very secretive recently, going out late at night but when I ask he says he's hanging out with other friends...Could be hooking up with someone else, as I want to take the relationship slowly...

Vic: Keeps trying to insert himself into mine and Mike's relationship, trying to prove he's better for me than his younger brother...

Result: DRAW! Mike might give up his secretive ways! Vic might stop planning to destroy mine and Mike's relationship!

Which brother has your best interests at heart?

Mike: Doesn't pressure me about my online presence, in fact, supports my decisions on uploading controversial subjects...also quite protective of me around his own fans and stands up for me...

Vic: Wants me to try and cut down on the amount of stuff I post online just until his fans get use to me...I don't tell him what to write songs about so he can't dictate my life...

Result: MIKE! Knows difference between my online life and normal life doesn't press to be involved in any videos for own publicity!

Which brother will remain loyal when distractions are put in front of them?

Mike: Refuses to give up drinking permanently, but will drink less around me. But last week when we went to a club he got wasted and I had to take care of his drunken ass. His ex-girlfriend got in touch, but he tells me she means nothing to him...I'm not quite sure I trust him...

Vic: Stays sober, cares about my past. Completely distanced himself from ex-girlfriend Danielle...

Result: VIC is most likely to remain loyal when distractions are put in front of him!

Which brother could you see raising a potential family with in the future?

Mike: Cuddling with Mike watching Cheaper by the Dozen and he told me he wants to have kids. He wants a son to be a mini him, but also a daughter so he can play the protective dad when she's older and starts dating...Would take kids on tour so he wouldn't miss a single day with them...

Vic: At the minute his focus is on the band and music...He'd much rather think about the next album than having kids...doesn't want to be on tour leaving me to raise the kids without him so they don't even know his face...

Result: MIKE wants kids, and is willing to sacrifice to be a good father and raise them properly!

Which brother is best for your health, physically and emotionally?

Mike: Tried to relate but still doesn't quite understand why I attempted suicide first two times...steps around subject like walking on eggshells

Vic: Relates to my past with cutting and constantly checks up on me. Says I can talk to him 24/7...

Result: VIC cares about my health and wellbeing, doesn't treat me differently now he knows about my past!

Five questions Tyler asked me to answer. Mike won two, Vic won two and then they both drew on one. I hated ties and it looked like a had a pretty big one in front of me.

I wanted to trust that Mike was telling me the truth that he was going out with friends other than his band mates, but Vic mentioned that his ex-girlfriend was back in the frame and that she and Mike were trying to be friends. I confronted Vic in front of Tony and Jaime that it was pretty convenient that he knew this information and just happened to want to tell me as he was a concerned friend when I knew that he liked me and was jealous of my relationship with his brother. I was pretty worked up, not knowing who I could trust anymore.

Preparations were going ahead for the YouTube tour consisting of; me, Tyler, Joey, Sawyer, Troy, Hannah, Grace and Mamrie and tickets were already selling out which was exciting. Today Mike and I were suppose to be having lunch but he rang up this morning and had to cancel because an old friend had come into and he'd forgotten he was meant to show him around. I liked to think our relationship had some level of trust so I let him go. Now I was heading out to see the tour bus which would be my home for two months.


The blonde turns around and lets out a squeal before running towards me.


We meet halfway and she lifts me off my feet and spins me around. I laugh as Grace puts me back down.

"Ready to see our home for two months Grace?"

Grace nods and links her arm through mine. The rest of the gang were stood outside the bus waiting for us.


Mike had cancelled his lunch with Kate because an old friend was back in town, but to my knowledge he had no friends coming to town so why was he dodging his girlfriend? After Kate confronted me in front of Tony and Jaime about my intimate knowledge of Mike and always calling him out to her I decided I needed to be more careful in exposing Mike for the liar he was.

I bought a disposable mobile and decided to play the detective role and follow Mike. Whoever he was meeting he was meeting them in an open park. I pull my car into a spot a few down from Mike's as to avoid suspicion.

Mike walks around the pond for ten minutes until someone approaches him and they embrace. I take out the phone and start to take pictures and am shocked when his 'friend' takes off their hood revealing the last person I expected to see him with, Alysha. Oh, this was going to be good fuel. Zooming in as much as I could with the camera I continue to take pictures of the two of them laughing and getting quite close to each other. As much as I wanted to tell Kate 'I told you so' this was going to break her heart.


The bus was amazing and I'd already claimed the best bunk on the bus despite protests from the others. I'd learnt tour bus layouts from talking to Pierce The Veil so knew my way around. I was enjoying myself until I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket so I excused myself from the rest of the group.

The message was off an unknown number, normally I avoided unknown numbers because it could be a fan that got my number but this message came with a picture attachment. I decide to open the message and am shocked by what I see.

Unknown: Do you really know your boyfriend?

The first picture attached was that of Mike embracing a woman who looked all too familiar to me, Alysha. Was this the friend from out of town? Alysha lived in San Diego. Why the hell would Mike lie to me about being in contact with her?

I couldn't look at the other pictures attached, Mike looked really happy to be around his ex.

Unknown: They look more than just friends

Kate (To Unknown): Who are you?

Unknown: That doesn't matter; I saw the two of them together and thought you'd like to know!

I needed answers off Mike himself.

Kate (To Mike): How's your friend?

Mike: He loves San Diego; we're having a great time hanging out. Thank you for being so understanding. I love you xxx

I decided against sending Mike the pictures from the unknown number; I wanted him to come clean about his little meeting himself. If he wanted to be friends with his ex I understood, but if all they were was friends then why did he feel the need to lie to me? I'd get to the bottom of this.

Kate (To Mike): I love you too xxx

Kate (To Unknown): Thank you

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