Chapter Ten

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I wanted nothing more than to impress Kate tonight. I knew if I didn't make a move and ask her out then Vic would find some way to sneak in and take her away from me. I was still a little mad that he wrote a song with her, it was a great and powerful song but it gave them a connection. I didn't want to sound selfish but I'd been there for her more since that night she tried to kill herself, I helped her get rid of the alcohol in her apartment. Vic had nothing on me.

"Wow, Mikey going on a date with a girl who has a bad past with drink, and here you are drinking before the date even starts."

I glare at my older brother as he leans in my bedroom door grinning ear to ear as he motions to the nearly finished beer bottle in my hands "I'm calming my nerves Vic; I can control myself around drink."

Vic throws his head back and laughs "keep telling yourself that brother. But if you're serious about this girl then don't do anything to screw it up; she's a kind soul after all who doesn't need any more hurt in her life."

I drain the last of the beer and nod, Vic throws his hands in the air before turning and walking away. I didn't want to screw up this date because I really did like Kate and wanted to make her my girlfriend one day. I could go a night keeping my drinking under control.

~Skip To Restaurant~

Kate looked stunning even when she didn't put in much effort. She wore a tribal print maxi dress and gladiator sandals. I was taking her to a small Italian place because she loved Italian and I wanted to make everything special without trying too hard. I help her out of the car and take her arm like a gentleman.

"Look at you Fuentes being a gentleman. I like it."

I chuckle and lead her inside. A waitress comes up to us wearing a big smile and my heart drops, the waitress was my ex-girlfriend Alysha. Inside I curse my older brother as he recommended me this place. Now I knew his true motives, he was trying to sabotage my date. Alysha and I parted on good terms, but a four-year relationship didn't go away overnight.

"Oh my god Mike is that you? Come give me a hug, how have you been?"

Alysha pulled me away from Kate and pulled me into a hug, I forgot how her personality could light up a room and how hyper she could be. I laugh and hug her back forgetting for a second that I was here on a date.

"I'm good how have you been?"


Did Mike forget that he was on a date with me? I knew who the girl was, I had social media. They'd been together four years before ending it on mutual terms, though I wasn't quite a fan of the way the two of them were acting. I just stood back zoning out of their conversation feeling uncomfortable.

I get the attention of a passing waiter "can you tell me where the bathroom is? And when my boyfriend stops talking to his ex, tell him I'm powdering my nose."

He points me in the right direction and I slip past Mike unnoticed, this was a great way to start a date. I lock the bathroom door and lean against the sink counter pulling out my phone, I was debating who to message. Vic was his brother but Tony and Jaime would be less inclined to lie about their relationship. Jaime could be serious when he wanted, but Tony had a bigger maturity level so he was the safer bet.

Kate (To Tony): Tony I need someone to talk to!

It doesn't take Tony too long to reply.

Turtle: What's wrong Kate you're meant to be on a date?

Kate: We turn up at the restaurant and guess who our waitress is...Mike's ex Alysha and now they're all over each other so I made my escape to the bathroom...

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