Chapter Two

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Q) Who else is obsessed with Texas Is Forever?


We got Kate to the hospital just in time and I refused to leave her side. We'd just finished our tour and we're heading home so Tony and Jaime promised to drop off Vic at our house before bringing me some clothes.

Kate Lynch was an interesting girl; Jaime told me she was pretty famous on Vine so I decided to check her out. How you got famous from making short videos escaped me, but that was the joy of the internet. I found her YouTube channel and binge watched her hillarious videos. The one video that broke my heart was her most recent where she opened up about cutting and starving herself.


Beeping rang in my ears and I attempted to open my eyes but felt like they were glued together. The last thing I remembered was Mike Fuentes messaging me on Twitter and talking me off of the bridge only to have me black out. Did Mike get to me in time? I mean I didn't feel dead and beeping usually meant hospital, or maybe someone else found me.

I managed to open my eyes and blinked a few times to adjust to the light, I tried to move my hand to block my eyes but felt a sharp sting. That woke me up and I relaxed upon realising it was only an IV drip. The room was white and to no surprise, I was wearing a white hospital gown. There was no one else in the room with me which kind of disappointed me, I tried to kill myself and no one was here when I woke up.

That was until I noticed a chair pulled up next to my bed with a coat thrown on top of it which didn't belong to me. Maybe I did have a visitor. My eyes latched onto the door as it opened and the last person I expected walked in. Mike Fuentes caught my eye and smiled.

"Good to see you awake Kate; you gave us quite a scare back at the bridge."

He sat down in the chair and sipped the coffee in his hands. Was I dreaming? Mike chuckled.

"No, you're not dreaming Kate. After I saw what my brother wrote I couldn't let you end your life. I didn't want to leave your side until you woke up."

Of course, I said that out loud, I felt myself blushing at how nice Mike was being.

"Why do you care, Mike? You don't know me if Vic hadn't accidently followed me I'd most likely be dead."

"Tell me why you were on that bridge, Kate? You seem so happy in your videos. Also, would you like me to call any family members?"

I balled my fists in the scratching duvet covering me; I didn't like talking about my past. But I probably wasn't going to see Mike again now that I'd woken up so I saw no harm in telling him. I sighed and bowed my head.

"My parents died when I was twelve, I moved in with my big brother who lived in San Diego but when I turned eighteen he moved to Europe with his wife and daughter leaving me in San Diego. I might have all the online success but in high school, I was bullied to the extent I use to cut and starve myself to make myself look like all the popular girls. And that hate followed me to my videos."

I rolled up the sleeves on the hospital gown revealing faded white scars; Mike reached out and ran his fingers over them sending a warm tingle across my body. He didn't look repulsed or turned off by my story; of course, I left out some minor details about my life pre-car crash because I wanted him to like me.

"Everyone goes through challenges in high school Kate and look at you now, you're a successful online star who has people looking up to her. Many of them facing the same obstacles you faced if you weren't there anymore who would help them?"

I chewed the inside of my mouth and took Mike's words in, he was right. I got tweets, emails and comments all the time saying I'd helped someone but somehow that got lost along the way in all the hate.

"If my fans could see me now Mike lying in a hospital bed after mixing pills and alcohol, what would they think of me? I'm not as put together as I fake on screen."

"Scoot over Kate."

I did as I was told and scooted in the bed as far as the wires would allow me and was surprised when Mike somehow managed to fit his tall frame onto the bed next to me. He pulled me into a hug which at first felt uncomfortable, but after a minute, I warmed to his arms around me.

"What are you doing Mike? You don't have to be nice to me just because you saved me. You probably have more important things to do and a girlfriend who wouldn't like you in bed with another girl as innocent as this is."

When I got nervous I rambled, I wasn't use to this level of caring. Mike looked slightly taken aback but quickly composed himself.

"I broke up with my girlfriend; she became a little paranoid and wanted to know my every move. Plus I chose to stay because you're very interesting and I want to get to know you more Kate. You're stuck with me."

"You really think I'm interesting Mr. I'm a drummer in a band who tours the world? I'm not used to this level of caring since my brother left me when I was eighteen, so I guess I push people away. I didn't want to get my hopes up that you'd stay because everyone leaves me at some point, Mike."


"...everyone leaves me at some point, Mike."

Those words broke me again. I'd grown up with two parents who loved me, an older brother who respected me and looked out for me despite our height difference, two band members who I considered brothers and a whole lot of friends in and out of the music scene. I didn't know what it was like to be alone. This just made me even more determined to stick around Kate, not out of sympathy but to show her what it's like to have people care for you.

"In the lyrics of Kelly Clarkson, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger."

Kate's eyes widened and she stifled a laugh.

"I didn't take you for a Kelly Clarkson fan, Mike."

"Don't tell anyone, her songs get in your head. Our little secret Kate."

She smiled and stuck out her little finger and wiggled it in my direction.

"Pinky promise Mike."

I chuckled and shook my head before linking little fingers.

"Pinky promise. Now how about I find out when you can leave?"

Kate's eyes lit up like the fourth of July.

"Would you Mike? I'm not a big fan of hospitals."

"Sure thing love."

I got up off the rather uncomfortable bed and stretched; how Kate was coping I'd never understand. I left her room and made my way towards the nurses' station.

"How can I help you dear?"

A cute middle-aged woman smiled at me from behind the desk.

"Err I was wondering when Kate Lynch in room 3c was getting discharged?"

"One second, let me look it up for you."

I smiled back at her and tapped my feet on the floor while she typed away.

"It looks like the doctor will be in around ten minutes to check her over before she can leave. Can I just say the two of you make a cute couple?"

I should have told her straight that I hadn't even known Kate 24 hours, but the woman seemed adamant. I'd not long gotten out of a relationship and Kate needed a friend more than a boyfriend right now. Maybe in the future if she was still single and so was I then maybe, oh who was I kidding I felt a strong connection to Kate.

"Err thank you; I'm going to get back to Kate with the good news."

The nurse nodded before returning her attention back to the computer screen. Now my head was all over the place.

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