Chapter Eight

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Video above is my attempt of the 'Shuffle Test Tag' - You guys wanted to know what music I listened to, well this video gives you a little taste - I'm going back to weekly videos every Friday and would love some support :) So if you have a spare minute check out the video, and then maybe like and subscribe xxx   

Q. Favourite TV show?


As I stood outside the house I shared with my younger brother I thought over how the conversation was going to go once I told him I might be developing feelings for Kate. I'd stayed the night at hers, sleeping on the sofa of course despite her protests of it being uncomfortable. Mike was either going to accept my feelings, which was unlikely or he was going to flip out which was what my money was on.

Taking a deep breath I unlocked the door and stepped inside the house. I could smell food and guessed Mike was cooking breakfast which he never normally did, then again I was usually up before him so did the majority of the cooking.

"Err Mike I didn't think you even knew where the pans were."

Mike looked up from the cooker holding a pan of bacon smiling like an idiot, god he was so proud of himself.

"Yeah and I made bacon. Wait weren't you wearing those clothes yesterday Vic?"

I nodded and perched myself on one of the kitchen stools.

"I came back to the house last night and Danielle was on the doorstep with her new boyfriend, I panicked and got out of there and ended up staying with a friend. We worked on some lyrics and I think we have a new song brother."

Mike put the bacon on a plate and sat down opposite me putting the plate in the middle to share. Kate had already fed me this morning; she was an excellent host so I'd pass on the bacon.

"What's it called and who's the friend? Normally you'd hit up Tony or Jaime, but I hung out with Jaime and Tony after recording so it wasn't them."

I watched my brother devour the plate of bacon in front of him; I guess I should just tell him who I spent the night with. It wasn't like Kate and I did anything romantic, we just got to know each other more.

"The Divine Zero and I stayed at Kate's, but before you jump to conclusions nothing happened. We talked and I slept on the sofa."

Mike visibly tensed and put the piece of bacon halfway to his mouth back down on the plate.

"Okay, but why Kate's? I mean after everything that happened."

I shrug my shoulders and fold my arms over my chest.

"She was honestly the first person I thought of, I didn't want to spoil you and the guy's fun. Anyway, you can stop holding that night above my head little brother, Kate and I talked. She told me that I didn't have to blame myself because I never put her on that bridge in the first place."

Mike scoffs and stands up, maybe I should just come out with what I came here to tell him. He turns to watch me and his straight look is kind of unnerving until he snaps his fingers together and begins to laugh.

"You like Kate don't you Vic?"

I look down and twiddle my thumbs not being able to make eye contact with my brother who stops laughing.

"Oh my god you do. Typical Vic always wanting what he can't have."

I slam my fists on the table and glare up at my brother, how dare he tell me that I'm always wanting what I can't have.

"That's rich Mike coming from the guy who only had the eyes for the girls I liked, and would do anything to get them in bed with you. Talk about wanting what you can't have, well you took them from me and didn't even care so get off the high horse."

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