Chapter 39

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The end is really near now

Katelyn POV

I held back laughs as I sat in the room at the hospital. 

"I cannot, believe you are laughing." I smiled widely as the doctor wrapped Kendall's ankle. He was trying to do some dance, but it didn't end very well. It happened almost a half an hour ago. It was quite hilarious I thought, he was trying to the best at everything. Clearly, dancing isn't one of them. 

"That's what you get for being cocky." He rolled his eyes and the doctor finished wrapping. 

"Alright Mr. Schmidt, here are crutches." Kendall muttered cuss words as he grabbed them. "Get well soon, it should be about two weeks." The doctor nodded at us and walked out. I helped Kendall get situated on the crutches. 

"I'm the one supposed to be taking care of you." I shrugged. 

"It's still pretty early, I'll be fine." He rolled his eyes and followed me to the car. I walked at a slow pace, so Kendall wouldn't be left behind. He looked like a hurt puppy on the crutches. I opened the door for him. He grumbled. I could tell he felt he was weak and couldn't do anything. 

He sat down in the passenger seat and I leaned down and kissed him on the lips. "Stop being all grouchy, you'll be fine. Plus, you need to take it easy." I went to shut his door but he put his hand up. 

"I can do something." I put my hands up in defense and walked to the driver's side. 

When we arrived home, we left Kaid there. He's a responsible seven year old. The alarm system was on and he was sleep, so hopefully he didn't wake up. He's a pretty heavy sleeper, so I doubt it. Hope no one called the police on us. I was such in a hurry to get to the hospital.

I walked behind Kendall as he went slowly up the stairs to the front door. "Katelyn, I'm gonna crush you if I fall." I shrugged. 

"At least it'll be very soft." He laughed and finally reached the front door. He rested on his crutches and opened the front door. He wanted me to go in first, but I made him. He grumbled and went in. I flipped on the switch and it was pretty quiet. I don't think he woke up yet. Thank God. 

"I'll be back to help you, I'm gonna check on Kaid." I said. Kendall waved me off and I went upstairs. I opened the door slightly to see Kaid's foot hanging off the bed. Oh yeah, he wasn't waking up anytime soon. I closed the door lightly. 

I went back downstairs. "Was he asleep?" I nodded. 

"Yeah, very. Wish I could sleep as good as him." He scoffed and shook his head. He went over to the couch and plopped down. 

"This sucks man. I can barely do anything." I sat next to him a ran my hand through his hair. "Don't pity me." I chuckled slightly. 

"I'm not, you don't need pity. You're a strong man." He let out a light laugh. 

"What do you wanna do?" 


"About." I thought a bit. 

"Us." He nodded slowly. 

"What about us?" I found something he didn't think I would find. I knew where Kaid's secret box was. It accidentally fell over off the shelf of his closet. Something interesting fell out of it. I hand it in my pocket right now. 

"What's this?" I held the black box in my hand. Kendall's color drained from his face. He went super pale. 

"W-what, h-how?"

"Fell out of Kaid's box." He let his head fall back on the top of the couch and let out a breath. .

"I bought it around my birthday. I wanted to propose, but I didn't know when the right time was. So many things popped up..." I grabbed his hand and kissed the back of it. 

"I love you." 

"I love you." I handed him the black box. 

"Do your thing." His eyes went wide. 

"But, I'm not-." I cut him off. 

"I don't care, just do it Kendall." He took the black box and got down on one knee and cringed. "You don't have to-." 

"Shut up. Let me do my thing." I sat back and watched him. 

"Katelyn-ow." I chuckled, he was painfully proposing. 

"Katelyn, I remember when we first were together and it was the best relationship ever. Then Kaid happened and...that's when things went south. I don't regret any of what happened because, it help make who I am today. I'm glad I went through my asshole phase, now I know what not to do. I've made amends with the people I love." He chuckled. "I will never forget the day you cussed me out on the phone when I was in Italy. I thank you for that, I was scared for my life though. I don't wanna make a speech about love because I'd be talking for a lifetime." I was surprised I wasn't crying. "So, was I believable?" I hit his head lightly. 

"Ask me the damn question." He took my hand. 

"Katelyn, would you make me the happiest asshole in the world by spending your entire life with me?" I grabbed both sides of his face and kissed him. I pulled away. "So no?" 

"Yes! That was a yes!" He nodded. 

"I know, I know." He hopped up and then quickly fell on to the couch in cussing every word in the book because he was in pain. 

"What'd I tell ya?" 

"Um excuse fucking me for being happy as hell that I would spend my life with you." I laughed and climbed on top of him. 

"Is this hurting you?" He shook his head. 

"It's not hurting me, but it's doing something." I slapped his chest and laid my head on it. This man, I would be spending the rest of my life with. No one else, but him. My best friend. My husband. For life. 

Hope you liked it. Until Next Time.


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