Chapter 16

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Kendall POV

I was silently flicking through channels. Nothing was on and it was starting to piss me off, a lot. I was just agitated today in general, you can guess why. Katelyn. Ugh, she always agitated me. I was even more pissed that she didn't respond to my text, what the hell? It was 9pm and they still weren't back.

I scoffed and continued flicking through channels. My phone vibrated and I looked. "$700 purchase was made." What the fuck? What did I spend $700 on? I furrowed my eyebrows and swiped to see my transactions. I looked. "Hotel room." It was at the place we were staying. What the? My tour people already paid for my suite, I didn't have to pay for it.

So who was using my got damn money? I looked and the transaction included the hotel room. I got up quickly and went out the door. I practically broke the down button trying to hurry the elevator, even though I knew that wouldn't work, I was just too mad enough to realize.

Finally, the elevator came, I went to the floor that the room was on. I probably broke that button too. I finally reached the floor and I got off. I went to the door and banged on it. The door opened and my eye widened.

"What the hell? You got a room?!" It was Katelyn. This night is just going so well. She hand her hand on her hip and she just looked at me.

"Yep, sure did." I sighed and tried to gain my composure. I put my hands on my head.

"Why? Why would you do that?" She crossed her arms.

"I'm tired of you being a dick, so I got a room. By the way, I'm taking Kaid home in two days." What? No, no I needed him. He was what all the fans wanted to see, she couldn't take him home.

"Katelyn, no no, don't do that-."

"Why, the paparazzi didn't get enough pictures?!" Yes.

"No, not that, it's just...fine, I don't care. You owe me $700." She chuckled.

"Good luck with that." I groaned. I didn't really care about the $700, that amount of money was nothing to me, it's just like I said, she pissed me off sometimes. The least she could've done was told me.

Kaid was looking at me from the couch in their room. I looked back at him, but I did nothing. I looked at Katelyn one more time then left to go up to my room. When I reached my room I went in and slammed the door. I went to the bar and picked up a beer.

"What's wrong with you?" I jumped a little and looked back at Dustin. I sighed and took a sip of the beer.

"Didn't hear you." He walked over to me and gave me a look. I put my beer down and leaned against the bar with my arms crossed. "Katelyn is taking Kaid back home in two days." He nodded and looked down.

"Sorry the paparazzi didn't get enough pictures, I know it would've boosted your fame so much." I cocked my head. He was pissed at me. "Because that's the only reason you brought him right, for your fame? That's it, no love or anything."

"That's not how it is."

"That's exactly how it is. Man I don't even know you anymore, no one, knows you anymore. You're just a big dick, I don't even know how I can call you my best friend anymore." I scoffed.

"Then why are you?" Man, I didn't mean that, but I was pissed, even though I had no right to be. He looked at me with emotion in his eyes, he was hurt by what I said. He nodded slowly.

"You're absolutely right, something actually came good out of your mouth. Why am I still your best friend? Trying to cover for you and say you'll come around. Well I'm tired of it."

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