Chapter 38

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Kendall POV

Today was Katelyn's appointment. We were now getting ready for the day and getting ready to go. We asked Kaid if he wanted to come, but he said no. I think he's taking this new sibling thing not to well. He's also been distant. I don't want him to think we're going to forget about him because we could never forget about him. 

Anyway, we took Kaid over my parents' so they could watch him. "We'll be back in an hour." He nodded and sat on the couch. I looked at him one last time before going out to the door. I got into the car, where Katelyn was waiting.

"Ready to go?" She nodded and laid her head back on the headrest. I glanced over at her as I pulled out the driveway. "Are you tired or something?" I laughed a bit. 

She smiled lazy and shrugged. "I guess I didn't get that good of sleep last night." I raised my eyebrows. 

"Why's that?" She shrugged. 

"Just nervous for the appointment." The rest of the ride we didn't talk at all. I pulled up to the door and let Katelyn out. "I'll check myself in." I put a thumbs up and pulled off. I found a fairly close parking spot. I got out and went in. I spotted Katelyn sitting. I went and sat next to her.

I looked around for something to entertain myself while we were waiting. I picked up a few magazines. "Man, these are all women magazines." I looked at Katelyn who was ignoring me. I pouted and put them down. I decided to try again and pick up another magazine. 

"Oooh, this one isn't so bad..." It was a Victoria's Secret one. I opened a page and turned it sideways. "Oh..." The magazine was being snatched from me. I raised one eyebrow and looked at Katelyn, startled. She glared at me and continued reading hers. 

I gained my posture again and just sat quietly in the seat like a child. "Ms. Tarver?" I looked up and Katelyn got up first. I followed behind her into the room they gave us. We waited for the doctor to come in. 

"Hello!" A cheery older lady said. I smiled. 

"Hello." Katelyn said. The older lady came over and shook our hands. 

"So you're expecting?" 

"Yes ma'am." She nodded and leaned on the counter. 

"Well, I would do an ultrasound, but there really wouldn't be anything to see just yet. You're only a week and a half." She laughed a bit. 

The rest of the appointment, the doctor was telling us things to do during the pregnancy. Exercises and stuff, just things to help Katelyn relax. 

"Thank you doctor." I shook her hand again and I grabbed the small of Katelyn's back. 

"Well that went well." Katelyn said. I nodded and grabbed her hand. 

"It went amazing." I kissed her on the lips. Man, I loved those lips. I kissed her again. 

"Kendall, we cannot make out in the middle of the parking lot." I chuckled. 

"Fineee." We got back into the car and I leaned to kiss her again. She put her hand up. 

"Nor in here." I pouted and sat back in the driver's seat. I started the car toward my parents' house. After driving for a while, we started talking. 

"Kaid doesn't seem to fond of a new brother or sister." I turned left. 

"Yeah it kind of worries me...maybe it was too soon?" I shook my head. 

"He'll get over it, when he sees his new sibling, he can have someone to bond and play with. A friend for life." She laughed a bit. 

"Why do you think he's doesn't want a brother or sister." I shrugged. 

"Well his sibling will probably be able to talk and Kaid can't, so maybe he'll be sad or think we'll like his sibling better?" Katelyn threw her hands up. 

"That's what it is! God, why didn't I see that?!" She sighed and looked at me. I glanced over at her. 

"I wish he would be confident in knowing that we loved him no less because he can't talk." 

"You know why he's insecure though." I had a confused look on my face. 

"Why?" She rolled her eyes. 

"Uh, because you told him you didn't want him because he couldn't talk." Oh yeah. I'm probably the reason then. I feel so bad. 

"I know, I know, but I've tried to tell him many times..."

"The things you said to him, that doesn't go away easy." 

"Yes, I know, I'm an asshole." I really didn't wanna hear this, but I knew I would be a coward if I didn't. We pulled up to my parents' house and I got out. Katelyn followed after me.

I opened the door with my key and I saw Kaid on the couch watching tv. I went over to him and gave him a kiss on the forehead. "You ready to go?" 

"Actually," I turned around to see my mom, "Kaid said he wanted to spend the night for the weekend." I looked at Katelyn and she looked just as confused as me. I turned back to Kaid. 

"Really?" He nodded. "O-ok, then we'll come back Sunday night."

"Or I'll just take him to school the next morning, he has plenty clothes here." I nodded hesitantly. 

"Y-yeah, sure." I looked at Kaid and smiled awkwardly. "I'll see you then buddy. I love you." Katelyn came over and hugged him. 

"I love you too." He continued to watch tv. I looked at my mom who smiled bright as ever. I slowly backed up to look at Kaid, then turned around to walk out the door. Katelyn and I exchanged looks and then got into the car. I looked at the house and then turned toward Katelyn. 

I rubbed my chin. 

"It's getting worse." I said. 

"He doesn't even wanna come home." Katelyn put her hands on her face. 

"Hasn't he stayed over for a weekend before?" She shook her head. 


Hope you liked it. Until Next Time.


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