Chapter 19

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Katelyn POV

I put on a black dress and heels, Kendall and I were about to go to dinner. This was nothing more than a dinner because quite honestly, I was not looking for a romantic relationship with Kendall. Things are still iffy between him and Kaid. That's not the only reason that I don't want anything serious with him, his career is probably gonna resurface and then it'll be history repeating again.

I walked out of my room, Kendall was waiting downstairs. I walked downstairs and he had his back turned, he was leaned against the archway into the kitchen. He was was wearing a blue plaid shirt tucked into dress pants with his new black skater sneakers.

"Ready?" He turned around and slightly smiled.

"If you are." I nodded. Before we went to dinner, we had to take Kaid over Dustin's. Things between Kendall and him were still heated. "Do you want me to drive? Actually, I wanna see you drive. Don't crash my BMW though." I rolled my eyes.

"I'm sure you have the money to fix it." We went out to his car and I put Kaid in, Kendall was already in the front seat. I started to drive to Dustin's. "Where are we going?"

"Dustin's." I rolled my eyes and sighed.

"No, for dinner." He chuckled a bit.

"Surprise." I glanced over at him. Shouldn't he be driving then? Kendall was annoying and confusing.

"Then shouldn't you be driving?" I saw him shrug at the corner of my eye.

"I want you to drive to your own surprise."

"Are you gonna tell me where to go." He nodded.

"Yup." I pulled up in Dustin's driveway. "I am not going in there." He said sternly, there was no room for discussion, he was still super pissed. I sighed.

"Whatever." I got Kaid out the car. Kendall waved at him and I took him up to the front door. I knocked and waited for Dustin to open the door.

Eventually, the door opened. "Hey guys." I smiled and gave Dustin a hug. We pulled away and he gave Kaid a high five. He moved a bit so Kaid could get through the door.

"Bye Kaid, I love you." Dustin watched Kaid go into the other room and then he returned to his original position.

"The last thing on Earth you should be doing, is going to dinner with that douchebag." I nodded. He's right.

"I know Dustin, but I wanna hear what he has to say to me. Without the arguing and fighting and everything." He rolled his eyes.

"You know a bunch of bullshit is just gonna come out, I know you know that." I shrugged and looked around.

"I hope not, that's why I am giving him a chance tonight to tell me everything, tell me how he's feeling about him and Kaid, and if he'll ever stop being an asshole. I want to hear him be genuine for once in his life. We had a pretty good talk in Italy about our past relationship, we even kissed, for the entire night. Then, it was kind of just back to everything." Dustin scoffed a bit.

"He did say that he was going to start being there for Kaid, and he has been trying to make an effort, but he seems to be slipping back into his old habits a bit. This dinner determines if I still want him in my life and Kaid's. He needs to prove that to me." I heard a honk. Kendall was telling me to hurry up. "I-I have to go Dustin." I started to walk away, but Dustin grabbed my hand.

"You make sure you get every answer out of him because I don't believe for one second he wants to tell you everything, I think Kendall wants you and only you." I crossed my arms and focused on him.

"Just me?" He nodded.

"He wants you to be his only girl, but he wants no one else getting in the way. Someone like Kaid. He wants to go back to the old days where it was just you and him. That's why he's been so lacking in Kaid's life." I thought for a moment. Of course I knew he didn't want Kaid, he's made that very clear many times and I've made it very clear that he should've used a condom.

"That's a whole load of bullshit." I heard Kendall say, I didn't even notice him behind me.

"Is it?" Dustin said.

"Yes, he's my son. I'm not just gonna push him out of the picture, why would I do that. He comes before me in any situation. There would be no picture without him." Dustin crossed his arms.

"So you didn't say that to me a few weeks ago? You're gonna lie?" Kendall sighed and ran one of his hands through his hair.

"Of course I said that, but now...I'm trying to change and be there for him. I'm trying to be less of an asshole, more of a dad."

"But you did say that?" I said. I looked up at him and he wouldn't look at me. He did say that. I never heard Kendall say something so harsh about not wanting Kaid in the picture and just me and him. That was his son for god sake. Any parent who would say they don't want their kid in the picture is just pure evil.

"Yeah...yeah I said that, I said I didn't want Kaid in the picture, just you and I, the way it's supposed to be, I said that." I looked away from him. Little did we know. Someone was listening to this entire conversation.

That someone, was Kaid. I saw him peering behind the door, a tear was rolling down his cheek. I put my hand over my mouth. I did not expect him to be listening. Kendall looked where I was looking and his face went pale. Well tonight's dinner wasn't happening.

Kaid ran back into the other room. Kendall tried to go in, but Dustin wouldn't let him.

"Dustin, I swear if you don't move the hell out the way. Let me see him!"

"You don't think you've done enough Kendall, let Katelyn take him home and you go somewhere else." He glared at him, hard.

I went inside to the other room Kaid was in. He was crying, hard. I bent down and kissed his cheek.

"Daddy loves you, you know that Kaid. What he said is something he said a long time ago, he feels different about you now and he wants to be with you." Kaid shook his head. Yeah, this wasn't working. I heard Kendall's voice approaching, Dustin must've finally let him through.

"Kaid, I was so mean toward you a long time ago, that's why I said it, but now you know how I feel about you. I told you already." He signed.

'Did you mean what you said at the hospital'? I looked up at Kendall.

"Of course I did and I still do. I meant it when I said, I love you." That was music to my ears. He said he loved him, to him. I thought I'd never hear that. It was now confirmed enough for me to know that Kendall wants something with Kaid.

He bent down and engulfed Kaid in a hug. I looked at the beautiful scene in front of me.

For the first time, Kendall was actually ready to be with his son.


Hope you liked it. Until Next Time.


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