Chapter 6

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Kendall POV

"Thanks for coming on the show Kendall." I smiled at Linda.

"Pleasures all mine." I got up and went backstage to see Dustin waiting for me. I walked up behind him and he turned around.

"Nice job out there, you really hit it out of the park with Kaid." I rolled my eyes and shrugged.

"What was I supposed to say, they would've known I didn't spend time with him if I told the truth." He shook his head and walked pass me to go somewhere else.

My relationship with Dustin has really taken a turn ever since we got back to LA and I still refused to go spend time with Kaid. Pretty much all the relationships I had with people took a turn when I didn't want to spend time with Kaid, but, that was their problem.

I shook my head and went out the limo that was waiting to take me back to the venue where we were performing. Dustin followed in his car, he probably didn't want to be anywhere near me, oh well.

Finally the limo pulled up and I got out. I went in and the show would be starting in 25 minutes. I picked up my guitar and waited for Dustin. He came out without saying anything and we ran through some songs.

Twenty-five minutes later, the show started and this would be the first time I heard Dustin talk since a while ago.

"Thank you guys for coming out tonight. Let's make it a good show."


The show was over a couple hours later and man was it a success. I went over to Dustin and patted his shoulder.

"I know you're pissed at me, but you did good tonight." He smiled and nodded at me. I think we were starting to get somewhere.

"You did a great job too, the crowd loves you." I stood back and put my arms out. It took him a while to notice what I was trying to get him to do, but he eventually caught on. He rolled his eyes and gave me a hug.

"Wanna go celebrate?" I asked him. He sighed and shook his head.

"I promised Mom I would help her fix the vacuum cleaner tonight." I laughed and nodded. I loved Dustin's mom, she also knew about Kaid and I's relationship, but she never really distanced herself from me.

"Ok, I'll just see you later then I guess." He nodded and started putting things away. I helped clean up and then it was time for me to go. I usually went out and drank a little after my shows to celebrate, but since Dustin wasn't going, I didn't feel like doing that alone.

My phone rang as I was driving the car. I pushed the button on my steering wheel and answered the phone. "Hello."

"Kendall." I knew exactly who that was. I never actually thought he'd call me, he's the one that hates me the most because of Kaid and I.

"Kevin, what a surprise. What can I do for you?" I listened closely because I was very curious to why he was calling me.

"Can you come over my house? I really wanna talk to you." I scoffed. No way in hell, so he could beat the shit out of me again? That was not happening.

"Tell me over the phone." I heard him shuffle a bit.

"No Kendall, seriously, it's important. I'm not gonna beat you up if that's what you think." That's exactly what I was thinking.

"Alright fine, I'm on my way." Kevin hung the phone up and I changed route to go to his house. What the hell did he want to talk about. Last time we talked, he made it crystal clear that he wanted nothing to do with me anymore and it's been a long time.

I pulled up in his driveway, got out the car, then knocked on his door. I was a little fidgety because I didn't know what his agenda was. I wasn't his favorite person, so I was going to try my best not to piss him off, because he knows how to punch. Hard.

The door pulled back and I saw Kevin. He looked so much different since the last time I saw him. He had facial hair, he looked more of a grown man than he did when we last talked. All that acting and directing was taking a bit of a toll on him.

I stood there going up and down on my heels. "Kevin." He opened the door wider, indicating for me to come in.

"So you wanted to talk to me about something Kevin?" He nodded.

"Yeah, have a seat." I wasn't gonna lie, the tension in this room was thick. I sat on the couch and looked around his house. It wasn't messy, let's just say you could tell someone very much lived in it, especially a man.

He sat down on the chair to the right of me.

"I saw your interview on the Linda Show." I put my head down. That's what he wanted to talk about. He saw my bullshit story about Kaid and he wanted to "talk" about it. I sighed and brought my head up.

I fake smiled at him. "Did ya now.? What'd you think?" He chuckled drying and shook his head.

"I think-no I know, you're full of shit. You on that interview just proved me more right than before." I stood up.

"Good talk." I started walking to the door. I had my hand on the handle ready to open it.

"You're just too much a coward to take what I'm about to say to you." I sharply turned around and got in his face.

"It's not gonna be any different than what you said to me years ago. I don't want anything to do with Kaid, at all, or ever." He threw his hands up angrily.

"And what good has that gotten you? Huh? Your own family doesn't have a relationship with you, Dustin is questioning his relationship with you. You walk around pissed because people keep pestering you about establishing a relationship with your son and you're left with nothing but being pissed all day and night." I looked at him and listened to the words that were coming out of his mouth.

I didn't say anything at all. I just walked out the door back into my car then drove away. I knew why I didn't say anything, I knew exactly why.

He was beyond right.

What'd you think. Let me know. Until Next Time.


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