Chapter 14

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Kendall POV

"Katelyn, are you sleep?" That was probably about the tenth time I asked that question tonight. I'm surprised Katelyn didn't turn over and punch me in the face. I have to admit, I was being quite annoying, but I wasn't trying to be annoying, I just simply could not sleep tonight.

"Kendall, if you ask me that question one more time. I can't sleep!  You won't shut the hell up!" I pouted a bit and crossed my arms. What a meanie.

"Well I'm sorry, I can't sleep." She started getting out the bed, she put her slippers on.

"Whoa, whoa, where are you going?"

"To sleep outside in the parking lot, much quieter than in here." I grabbed her wrist and pulled her back down.

"No, no, don't do that, I'll shut up, I promise. I swear." I assumed she was glaring at me, I couldn't see, it was 2:00am, pitch black. She sighed, kicked off her slippers and got back under the covers. "K-Katelyn, y-you remember what helps me sleep...right?" She went quiet for a moment.

"No, absolutely not." She knew exactly what I was talking about. She was so ready to turn me down, but I really need this.

"Please, I'll do anything you want. Anything, I'll take you on a shopping spree, anything. Just, I need to sleep, I have a late show tomorrow." She went quiet again. That's a good sign, she was taking longer than usual to say no.

"Fine." What?! What?! She said yeah?! Man, I couldn't be anymore thankful than I was at this very moment. I was so full of elation, I could explode. I really, really needed this sleep. I needed to rest my vocal chords.

"You-you remember the motio-." She cut me off.

"Yes, yes I remember the motion, just come here." I scooted closer to her, our chests were touching. She reached up to my ear and began rubbing it with her soft touch. I moaned. "Could-could you not do that?" I chuckled.

"I can't help it Kate, can't help it." So rubbing one of my ears does help me get to sleep when I can't sleep. It was the best feeling ever.

"Mmm, Katelyn, you don't know how good this feels, mmm. Want me to rub your ear?"

"Nope, I'm good, no rubbing of my ear over here." I chuckled.

"Alright, your loss." She continued rubbing my ear.

"How long do I have to do this?" I moaned.

"Mmm, don't know." She groaned and muttered. "Let's talk about something." She sighed.

"Alright, what do you wanna talk about?" I hope she won't hate me for what I'm about to say. Kaid is my son and yes I have a terrible relationship with him that I choose not to correct, but I didn't wanna talk about him and I tonight. It seems that's all Katelyn talks about with me, is him. Probably because every time she sees me, all she sees is a deadbeat father.

"Katelyn, please, don't take this the wrong way, but I don't wanna talk about Kaid and I's relationship. I just seriously don't wanna talk about that. It always results in us fighting because you think I'm the biggest dick in the universe and while that may be true, I don't wanna upset you. Can you try to understand?" She stopped rubbing my ear. Oh shit, oh shit, I fucked up. Damn it! I should've kept my damned mouth shut! Shit!

"Alright, I completely understand, let's just talk about something else because Kaid is a subject we don't agree on." Then she muttered. "Unfortunately." I sighed.

"Alright, but, before we start talking, could-could you maybe-." She put her hand back on my ear. "Yeah, thanks."

"Can we talk about anything Kendall?" I shrugged a bit.

"I mean, I don't wanna know you and James' sex life, but pretty much we can talk about anything, except for Kaid at the moment of course...and your sex life with James." She chuckled.

"I'm not having sex with James, Kendall." I scoffed.

"Don't lie." She continued rubbing my ear. I moaned a bit.

"I'm not lying, James and I aren't even dating, honestly, I don't know what's happening with us." Man, I didn't want her to be with James at all, that dude was a dick. Even though I've only talked to him for five minutes, and for those five minutes, we were cussing at each other. I still love Katelyn, even after years of being broken up. I still love her. No we don't get along on some days, but others, we can just laugh and talk and pretend there are no problems between us.

" you wanna be with him?" I said all monotone. She sighed.

"I don't know, it wouldn't be bad." I groaned, man. She really did like this dude.

"Well don't compare your relationship with him, if you have one, with the one we shared." She stopped rubbing my ear and sat up. She turned over and turned on the lamp. I could see her clearly now. Her hair was disheveled a little bit, her eyes looked more tired than usual.

"You're thinking about our relationship?" I shrugged and turned over so I was on my back. I intertwined my hands and rested them on my stomach.

"...yeah. I just feel that, we had the best relationship in the world. Until everything went to shit, with me of course." I could feel her looking at me, I didn't wanna look at her, so I just stared up at the ceiling.

"Kendall...our relationship was the best relationship in the world. We could talk about anything and have fun together, all the time. Most importantly, we were so deep in love that we couldn't see straight." I chuckled a bit, I finally looked at her.

"Yeah..." I looked down, "Even though I can be a dick to you. I still love you, ya know?" I looked up at her. She smiled at me and took my hand. I tensed a bit, wow, I didn't expect her to do this. "You love me?" Her smile went down and she dropped my hand. Oh hell.

"You-you don't love me?" I was kind of hurt. I expressed my feelings to her and she agreed that we had the best relationship in the whole got damn fucking universe, she claims we were so deeply in love. Apparently she wasn't in a deep because she didn't love me anymore. I got out the bed.


"You don't love me." I pointed at her. "I'm sorry our relationship meant more to me, the asshole, than it did to you." She scooted on to my side of the bed.

"No, no it's not that. It's just-."

"Just what?" I hissed. I was pissed. She sighed and looked up at me.

"You've been such a dick ever since Kaid was born and I hate you so much because you don't wanna be with your son. At least, I try to hate you. I can't hate you because I love you too much, even if I don't wanna admit it." I had my arms crossed. So she did love me? I was about to say. If she didn't love me, I was gonna walk out this room right now. I couldn't blame her if she didn't love me though, I guess. I was a huge asshole, I'll admit. Why don't you do anything to change it?  Because I don't want to.

"So you love me?"

"I love you, I always have, always will." I tried to fight the smile that was so obvious on my face. I got on my side of the bed, but Katelyn scooted over only a little bit. We were so close. I looked at her lips, mmm, I wanted to kiss those lips. I know she knew that I was looking at them.

She grabbed my cheek with one of her hands and pulled me closer to her. We brushed lips. I smiled and crashed my lips against hers.

Bedroom talks was my new favorite hobby.

Hope you like it. Until Next Time.


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