Chapter 1: Ruler and a Nomad

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I'm back! This is a sequel/prequel of my previous story, Curator or Queen, so go read that for a little context if you want. Anyways, I own nothing!

Read, comment, and review!


"Hold it Mason, let's start this from the beginning,"


5000 years ago, Egypt was a completely different place from what we know today. Back then, it was considered the greatest and most advanced kingdom on Earth. Pyramids that touch the sky, a vast and rich culture, and rulers that were thought to be living gods. Yes, it was a magnificent time.

But like all history's nations, some of the best stories were those lost to the sands of time. Egypt is no different. During the golden age of Egypt, 2 very different people from 2 very different lives, were brought together by a single event which changed the course of their lives. One was a wanderer of the world, the other was a pharaoh. This single event would set off a chain reaction that would effect Egypt for years to come.

His name was Atem

Her name was (Y/N)

This is their story.

Chapter 1: Different Worlds


Desert sun ragged against the robes which shielded me from the blinding rays. I gently tugged on the reigns of my stallion, Spirit (my story, my horse), who neighed in protest.

"Don't worry, you intolerable mustang, we're almost to the next town,"

I should introduce myself, my name is (Y/N). No surname, just (Y/N). I'm nearing my 21st year. For most of my life, I've wondered the world looking for adventure and treasures. How you may ask? Upon my wrist is a bracelet passed down from every first born member of my family. Long ago, it was crafted as a gift from a Mage my ancestor had assisted, or so I was told. The bracelet has a unique ability to locate treasures in all sense of the word. What do I mean about this? Well, the bracelet sometimes points me in the direction of people or animals I can develop a close bond with, such as Spirit or Orito, the small, white reptile sleeping in my satchel. At the moment, me and my companions were once again on a treasure hunt, symbolized by the faint glow of my bracelet. We were nearing Egypt's capital, the perfect place to stop and rest for the night before continuing on in the morning.

After another hour of riding, we steered into the town, looking for a place to stay. I lowered the hood which had hidden my (H/S),(H/C) hair and my (E/C) eyes, as well as the scarf which protected my mouth from the sand. As Spirit trotted through the streets, I looked around. At first glance, things seemed normal, people going about their business, not paying much mind to each other. To a better trained eye, one could pin point the poverty lurking in the background.


I turned my head to see an enraged street vender coming at an old woman with a knife.

"Wh-what do you mean?!" She croaked. He seethed.

"Trying to swindle me are you! I'll have your head you hag!" He raised the knife and brought it down, only to be blocked by the bejeweled scimitar I had obtained on my last venture. He swung around, only to find himself in the face of my annoyed stallion. I glared at him.

"That's quite enough out of you," He growled.

"This woman was trying to steal these fruits from my stand!" The old woman looked ready to break down into tears.

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