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"Kellin, come on. We don't want to be too late, huh? Our parents are waiting with cameras, too." Vic sighed into me, wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing my neck a bit. I giggled and leaned my head back a bit to relax. When he moved down to my sweet spot, I moaned and made him pull away.

"Don't you dare leave a hickey on me," I warned. Vic smirked at me and pulled me out of the room.

"I'll leave hickeys on you later, don't worry." I gasped and hit his arm a bit. I couldn't say anymore because we'd walked downstairs together where our parents were waiting for us.

"Oh, look how cute they look Vivian!" My mother squealed. I mentally rolled my eyes at their squealing but they were right. I, I mean, Vic and I were cute; always.

"Okay, ladies, alright." Vic's dad said as he stopped them from taking pictures for the night. I'm pretty sure my mom snuck one last one in though before pulling me aside.

"Kellin, have you ever, you know..." She started off. Immediately, I clammed her mouth shut and dragged Vic away from my dad and out the door. I knew exactly where that was going and I didn't want to stick around for the end of it.

"Your dad just told me to 'treat your body with respect and delicacy and make sure I don't make a mistake'. As if I wasn't nervous before." He mumbled at the end.

"Nervous for what? We're only having sex when I'm comfortable with you," I sassed with a playful smirk on my lips. Of course, I was ready but I didn't want to just jump Vic's bones.

"So my boyfriend of ten months now, Kellin Quinn Bostwick, isn't comfortable with me, his boyfriend? I'm hurt, baby," He gasped. I smiled and kissed him deeply.

"You know I was kidding. I'm ready when you are." I told him as we drove quickly got to the dance. We've talked about the topic before but I've never really told him that specifically. Though, it only applied to Vic. I loved him and I'd rather give myself up to him than anyone else. He was everything to me, though I barely showed it. Even then, though, he knew it.

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