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"Vic! Stop!" I whined into his ear as my laughter subsided me. He had been tickling my sides for a while and I was laughing way too hard. Soon after he stopped, he pulled me down on his bed to kiss and lay with me.

We were quiet for a while, but were smiling at the same time. We've been dating for months now, and I loved every minute of it. Though we still haven't told people, I was getting used to it and no one had a clue (other than people in our friend circle); I guess everything was okay.

"Hey, Vic?" I said after a while.

"What's up, beautiful?" I smiled at the pet name.

"You gonna take me to the homecoming dance or what?" I asked him, propping myself up on his chest.

"You wanna go?"

"Of course! The dress and how cute you'll look in whatever I put you in," I started listing off. He rolled his eyes but I hit him before he got an attitude.

"Don't be rude!"

"I was kidding, babe! Relax! We'll see if we can go." I frowned and pouted.

"What is it, Kells?"

"We'll have to go in a group but I want you to myself." I pouted more but Vic cooed and hugged me close. I laid there lifelessly until he kissed my head and I looked up to kiss his lips.

"You okay?"

"Now that I have your amazing, soft lips? Yes." I smiled. I still wanted Vic to myself but having him in a group with all my friends was better than nothing.


With the dance coming up so quickly in school, I was so anxious. Vic hasn't peeped a word about it. I was getting so frustrated and today was the last day for tickets, as the speaker on the over-head said.

"So, the dance, hmm?" I whispered and raised my eyebrows at him.

"Mhm, I heard. Listen, I'll see you during lunch, okay? I have to do something first."

"Alright, later," I mumbled as the bell rang and he shot up to leave. I trudged my way to the lunch room and sat at our table. I didn't even bother getting food because I wasn't in the mood to eat.

After a while, I saw Vic walk in with Tony. He and I made eye contact and he gave me a small smile before walking to the stage that was located in the front of the cafeteria. I scrunched my nose as Vic took a microphone and got everyone's attention. Tony stood in the back so the focus was on Vic instead.

"Hey, everyone! Can you guys just listen up for a few minutes? That's all I need, promise." He gave a charming smile to everyone as they hushed up. His smile did wonders because, within a matter of seconds, everyone's full and undivided attention was on the man himself.

"Thanks. So, guess what's tomorrow? The homecoming dance! And winter break, right?!" Everyone cheered. I clapped along, despite my confusion.

"Alright, sweet! I'm sure lots of you have dates and you're really, really excited and I am too but," He walked around a bit, getting down from the stage. He walked with so much confidence but I could tell he was a bit nervous; his left hand was twitching.

"I would be more excited if I myself had a date, ya know?" He spoke.

"I'm always free, boo!" Someone in the back yelled out. Vic chuckled and so did everyone else but he dismissed them. A ping of jealousy went through me, but it went away quickly. There was nothing to be jealous of anyway.

"No, no. Thank you but, no. Though, someone has caught my eye." He concluded, stopping at our table, right next to me. I looked up at him with a wide smile that reached my eyes. I can't believe him.

"So, Kellin Quinn Bostwick, will you go to the homecoming dance with me tomorrow? I know I was putting it off but I would really love to take my boyfriend to it." I got up and immediately kissed him, hugging him afterward. He laughed into the kiss but tears began to trickle down my face.

"Is that a yes?" He asked me. I nodded quickly and hugged him again as everyone around us awed and clapped.

"Aha, he said yes, guys!" He put the mic back and took me to the hallway as people continued to cheer until we were out of sight.

"You look sad! Be happy!" He laughed at me as he wiped my tears. I smiled big and hugged him again.

"I can't believe it! You're just... You're the best boyfriend!"

"I know." He blushed, giving me one final kiss. My heart couldn't be more full at the moment and I didn't want the high to deflate.


"Vic, come out!" I yelled at him from outside the dressing room curtain. I had already gotten my dress online like a month ago, Vic just needed his outfit now.

"I don't look good in light orange!" He yelled back. He was practically whining. I paid half attention to him as I scanned the email I was sent by the Hartford program I applied for months prior. But, when I saw those bolded words that read "Congratulations!" I smiled widely and silently cheered. I was on track now. I was doing it.

"Liar! Just show me!" I responded, almost forgetting where I was. I put my phone away as Vic coyly came out in this black tux with a pastel orange shirt showing underneath. I gasped and squealed at the same time.

"See?! You look so adorable! I told you! Just so handsome!" I straightened out his jacket and made him face the mirror with me. He smiled down at me and gave me a kiss on the side of the head. I leaned into him and made him take off the coat and pants so we could pay for them and head home.

"Thank you so much, Vic. I mean it." I told him when we got home. He sat me on the couch in his lap and held my hips.

"You know it's no problem. I love doing things for you." I smiled and leaned into him, tiredly.


"Mhm. Gonna sleep on you. Goodnight."

"Haha, good night, Kells. I love you." Vic said. I turned around and looked at him as he looked surprised at himself. He cursed under his breath but I stopped him.

"I love you too, Vic,"

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