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School was going so slow today and it was beginning to annoy me because we were only in lunch and I knew that there was a basketball game tonight that I had to attend.

"Are you gonna eat that?" Jaime asked me as he pointed at my tray of tater tots.

"Help yourself." I gave him my tray and he greedily ate the remaining food.

"Why are you eating so much anyway?" Emma asked him. I was wondering that myself, honestly. It was kind of gross how much they had been eating this lunch wave.

"We all have to fuel up for the game. Going against Tracer today." Jaime replied. I rolled my eyes at the mention of their name. Tracer had always been our biggest rival and we hated them with a passion. That town, and that school were cesspools.

"You guys are gonna win right? Or at least beat up Oli?" I asked with a chuckle. While everyone hated the people from there in general, Oli was the top of everyone's list. He was the worst; he used to bad mouth our cheerleaders by saying nasty things and trying to touch up our skirts until he was threatened with a lawsuit.

"Yeah, definitely. I mean, I know they have Oli as a good player but he's easy to get around. They only pass him the ball after halftime anyway but we'll have more than enough points by then." Vic explained quickly. He was on edge today, visibly, and I understood why. Oli was a bad guy and there was no telling what he could do. It wasn't that he was nervous about the game, it was that he was nervous about Oli.

"Well, alright. I hope you guys do well tonight." I told him. "I'll be rooting for you," I joked and Vic nodded, drinking the rest of his juice before throwing away his food and walking out the cafeteria without a word. The way he was acting today really bothered me.


When the school day ended for everyone else, mine was far from over. The game would be hectic today with so many people inside our gym so I had to get the team ready for the long night ahead of us.

"Hey! Come here, guys, please?" I called them all over in the locker room. "As you guys all know, Tracer's cheerers will be here soon and I know they'll say a bunch of shit. But, we have to stay on the positive side so we remain the top, like always." I smiled. I knew we could handle their petty behavior, I just had to be sure everyone else did too.

"Don't worry, Kellin. We got this." Emma said and everyone around her nodded in agreement.

With that, we all went to the gym upstairs. Some people were here but it was only to help set up scoring booths and bleachers.

I started stretching with everyone to the side as Tracer's cheer girls came in. We always got here before the players, it seemed.

"Ugh, it reeks of whore in here." Jenna, their captain said, as she fanned the air in front of her nose jokingly. Some of the girls on her squad laughed but I just stood up and looked at her with a bored expression.

"Are you sure you didn't just bring it in from your bus? Or maybe it's embedded in your shit uniforms." I retorted as she rolled her eyes and walked over to the other side of the gym with her teammates, stretching and waiting for the game to start. It was going to be an especially long night, I could tell.

At 5:30, all the boys came in. They were out with their uniforms and basketballs, running through normal pre-game drills. They all looked so pumped, except for Vic. He still seemed uneasy. I couldn't talk to him now though, I had to wait until the game was over. Hopefully it didn't take too long.


"Shoot for two!" We all cheered, our pom poms going and arms moving as Tyler got the ball and went for a point. He made it, of course. Tyler was one of our best players, next to Vic. I'm pretty sure they grew up playing together but, honestly, I couldn't tell you.

Tyler's shot put us at 24-3 at halftime. We all went out and did our quick routine as the two teams did whatever it was they did during this time. I never knew, truth be told. When they went in though, we all found that Vic was right earlier. They put Oli in and immediately started passing to him. It was tough defense but they could easily handle it, by the looks of it.

"Come on, Breakers! Be aggressive!" I shouted out as Jaime stole the ball from one of their other players. I tried to focus on the game but Oli got in my way and didn't move for a while.

"Want me to be aggressive, Kells? I can be, especially for you." He winked.

"Go lose a game, pig." I scoffed.

"You know you want me, Kellin. You'll see." He was gone after that — ran over to where the ball was to try and steal but he was hopeless because Vic had shot for three and made it. A couple of Vic's famous shots later and the game was over. The crowd was mayhem, seeing as the score was 43 - 14, us. We totally blew them out the water (but that was to be expected).

"Nice job, guys!" I cheered as I finished easy tumbling. I began to make my way over to where the team was but I was stopped by Oli.

"We meet again." He wiped sweat from his forehead with the bottom of his jersey and stepped closer to me.

"No, we don't. Great job losing, though. I knew you had it in you." I said as I went to leave. I wanted to join everyone over at the other side.

"Oh, Kells, don't be like that." Oli grabbed my arm and pulled me into him with a bit more force than I liked.

"Leave me alone, Oliver." I said through gritted teeth. It was bad enough he was touching me so roughly but the fact no one else was over here made me anxious. He swiftly grabbed my butt and crotch area at the same time when I tried to pull away from him, and squeezed. I yelped a bit and broke from his grip, taking a few steps back.

"Seriously, go away, Oli," I said. My voice cracked and tears reached the brim of my eyes. If my heart wasn't racing before, it definitely was now.

"Hey!" Someone yelled from behind Oli. It was Vic, I recognized his voice, even though I couldn't fully see him. I saw his trusty jersey, though, and that was enough. I saw a couple, actually, and was relieved to see that he wasn't alone.

"Get the fuck out of here, Oliver," Austin said. I moved to the side a bit so I could be out of the way. As I did so, I saw Austin, Tyler, Vic, and Jaime all standing in front of Oli.

"You've already lost, what more is there to do?" Jaime spoke up.

"Besides talking to Kells over here? Nothing much." His accent was thick and raspy. It shook me.

"Just get out of here before I beat your ass," Vic said, walking towards him, getting in his face.

"I'd like to see you try. You're too small, Fuentes." They were standing chest to chest now and Oli was practically toppling over Vic. Anyone else would be intimidated but Vic held his ground confidently. I continued to back out of the way; I didn't like violence. It made me feel nauseous.

Vic looked at me as I had an expression of nervousness on my face and a hint of worry flashed in his eyes and lingered until he broke contact with me. I just wanted to go home. I wanted to leave.

"Oh, I'm still big enough to make you feel sorry for bothering Kellin and you know it. If you want to touch someone like that again, go touch yourself." Vic said, pushing past Oli now and walking over to me. He wrapped his arm around me and started to walk me away with Jaime, Tyler and Austin close behind. We didn't get too far though because Oli blew up.

"Fuck you, Fuentes! Your little queer-leader came onto me anyways! Normal for him though isn't it? He's a slut just like the rest of his squad!" Right away, Vic ran up and punched him in the face. It must have been hard, too, because Oli fell over and Vic punched him again, over and over. Austin had to pull him off of him but that's all I saw before a few tears blurred my vision and I ran off right to my car, going home a wrecked mess.

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